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  1. Burns was the weakest ‘star player’ we’ve had on this team fades in big games horrible against the run has a one move technique
  2. The real MVP in all this is his agent who got him 3 years $17 million
  3. No but Coach Canales bought in the same building I just bought into. He currently has assistant coaches living there and his family plans to move into it during the season until their home finishes.
  4. Hope he avoids the Madden Curse
  5. A moment of silence to season ticket holders and their new prices
  6. He doesn’t have the NFL size or arm strength and right now his processing has been bust to me he is Danny Wuerfeul 2.0 but he’ll get 2 more seasons to sink or swim
  7. In his personal life he had to overcome demons and work through therapy. I think that level of insight will help him in his professional life
  8. Xavien Howard has like 1648393 children, he’ll be motivated to play
  9. He has 1.5 seasons i wrote him off last year when he doesn’t have the torque to throw 40 yards
  10. Are we really questioning Dan Morgan’s eval of a LB
  11. This isn’t a Dave and Nicole Draft!!!! this isn’t a limp Rhule / Reich draft this guy is in total control of the Panthers draft. Working the board to go up, working the board to go back, getting value i have to see of our recent GMs (Hurney, Fitt, Gettleman) he seems to be BEASTING the draft
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