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Everything posted by Killah_Ray

  1. Yeah but this season is a lost cause once we're 1-5 anyway...so might as well start prepping for next year and hope we continue to suck for that #1.....
  2. They'll never see it coming in the playoffs...
  3. I'm getting stomach pains....from laughter...it's all I can do while looking at this inept team...
  4. Please do it by tomorrow....PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I'm just wondering what part of the blueprint is this dog poo?
  6. Brown is doing great this year...it's why you don't judge a dt too early...
  7. Deebo with temporary hands of stone bailed us out..
  8. A show about convict firemen? They're really churning out the bottom of the barrel...
  9. Baker looks like he's gonna wind up flipping out at the press conference...he just has that look of someone who obviously doesn't want to be here anymore...
  10. I'd ask for the stadium to start a fire Rhule chant, but I don't think the 49er fans really care....
  11. Boy they're trying to make sure Deebo gets his touchdown at home....
  12. Jennings was trying to put the team on his back....
  13. CJ with his obligatory ugly flag...(although that seemed like bullshit)
  14. I don't know why the fug I continue to torture myself with this team... Then I remember as a kid I was as Lions fan before the Panthers existed and shut the fug up....
  15. I've been doing super low carb for a while now and this has me wanting a drink....
  16. I know that fake an injury because you fuged up move...I pulled it in high school when Lawrence Timmons ran straight through me and sacked our quarterback...
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