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About Zod

  • Birthday 04/26/1975


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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Community Answers

  1. Maybe don't draft tiny quarterbacks #1 overall again. It's sad this needs to be said. Toodles
  2. Exactly right. All the die hard ride or die Panthers higher ups I know left the organization. They all had the same thoughts. Tepper just doesn't know how to a run a business. Purchase and gut a business is more his thing.
  3. Is there a game today? If so against who? Anywho, Y'all enjoy. Smooches.
  4. Seems like hyperbole, but strictly in terms of the product on the field..... I really think it's true. Sell the team Dave. You aren't a business man. You are a financial vulture.
  5. Bryce is probably the worst player in the field.
  6. Lol @ Horn just watching him jog to the end zone.
  7. New season. New hope. Please don't hurt me anymore.
  8. One must have fans to have fan interest. The Panthers are the least popular team in the league. Thanks Tepper, you lamp shade.
  9. Bad Very bad Horribly bad How's it looking? PS. Fuck you Tepper you house plant.
  10. It is. It's a wide angle lens on the camera. Wide angle lenses drastically enlarge objects closer to the lens. Cam is a lot bigger than young, obviously, but this is an optical exaggeration.
  11. All I know is the guy has succeeded at everything that has been thrown at him. There is a chance he becomes a good head coach. Couldn't be worse than last season. Eh, give him a shot.
  12. So y'all don't understand that Dan Morgan has been steadily rising the ranks of NFL front offices for over a decade now?
  13. Also, back in the day Dan hung out at more than one huddle tailgate and brought pizza. This is a W day.
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