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Posts posted by YourLastThought

  1. 20 hours ago, Move the Panthers to Raleigh said:

    I would say there is no such thing, but it looks like someone got in his ear and told him this would be a good look

    Ughhh god you are so NEGATIVE with almost everything. You should consider trying to find things in your life that truly make you happy and then do more of those in my humble opinion

    • Pie 2
  2. 14 minutes ago, Shocker said:

    Lance is a massive bust and getting a 3rd rounder for him now is like hitting the lottery.  No one is , nor should they be trading for him.

    How do you know this 100% tell all end all exactly? Do you work within the 49ers organization? Do you see him in practice and at the stadium daily? You must have some sort of inside track to be so sure multiple times so figured I would check to see what you do job wise with the 49ers. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Shocker said:

    Lance is a massive bust and getting a 3rd rounder for him now is like hitting the lottery.  No one is , nor should they be trading for him.

    He is a massive bust you say? You know thos how? Did you see his stats? They are t earth shattering but do they appear busy like to you? Ever heard of anyone changing scenery and their career taking off? How did a change of scenery work out for Greg Olsen? Not saying he is the Greg Olsen of QB's in the making but I'm also not saying he is some kind of massive bust when his sample size was small but stats don't look absolutely awful either. If I had some other pieces in place at QB would I take Lance as well from r a later round draft pick? Yep I sure as well would as we have no idea what he could become. He could either remain a disappointment or find lightning in a bottle (less of a chance than remaining a disappointment I know) but for a late round draft choice I would be willing to take a chance.

    • Poo 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Catsfan69 said:

    Darnold could flourish under Payton and won’t cost anything 

    I'm not going to argue with you there either. I saw something in Darnold this season that gave me great hope. With a coach like Payton I have absolutely no doubt that he could pull the very best out of him and I believe his best has never even been seen in the NFL.

    • Pie 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Smitty will punch you said:

    Trey hasn’t played football in 4 years. Gtfoh

    You are brilliant aren't you big mouth. Thank God you are not our GM. With a coach like Payton, Lance could find magic and serious development. I would most definitely give up a 3rd rounder for him. Go back and look at his stats you dope. He really did not play all that bad and has as least kick the tires sort of potential. For him to have not played football in 4 years he seems to somehow have acquired NFL QB stats. How about you GTFOH


    • Pie 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Pantherzilla91 said:

    Let’s be real the only reason some of you are praising this is so you hope that means we miss on Payton 

    I can't stand Payton but I hope we hire him because that jerk knows how to build a team and a great offense. Hire him and find a great defensive coordinator and we may have a hell of a combo. I am also in support of them returning to support the team in this time of grief.

    • Beer 1
    • Poo 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, *FreeFua* said:

    Around the 24:30 mark he starts talking about divisions and how going to the AFC West he’d have to go through Reid/Mahomes and Herbert. How the AFC in general has a lot more QB’s. Basically more challenging. 

    Talked about the NFC South basically being a race to find a QB

    I feel like Tepper and Payton are going to hit it off. Both sweat pants kind of guys. Payton said ownership is the most important thing then division second 

    I have a major feeling he will be the next coach. I cant stand the guy as a saints coach but maybe i iwll like him better as our coach. kind of like how it was with Roman Harper. Could not stand him against us but didnt dislike him as bad with us.

  8. 31 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    Just think if we miss on a QB this year because we can’t trade up without our future first AND have to miss out on next year’s loaded class because that first is gone, we can all thank Sean Payton…


    I hope the pill head can find us a diamond in the rough in the later rounds then.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    I hope not 

    I believe it is now inevitable so we have to just go with it and enjoy the pill heads offensive guru we are about to get. Let's hope he finds us a Drew Brees type who can really sling the hell out of the football like he could.

  10. Just now, Carolina Mike said:

    Actually I just want to win & win big! Beat teams big, put up 40+ points beat the living tar out of other teams and ask if they want more! I’m so done with the morale victories or at least we have good guys! Time to put on those ALL black uniforms and black hats… let’s give others black eyes and hit them one more time!! WIN WIN WIN!!! I’m not getting any younger.


    Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


    Michael Richards Yes GIF

    • Pie 2
  11. 17 minutes ago, top dawg said:

    Not who I was thinking, but that's apropos, and amusing.

    Lol, I knew who you were talking about but just seeing if I could get a laugh out of you! I even liked his smile in agreeance as I agreed with you on Aaron Rodgers as well.

    • Beer 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Harbingers said:

    Who ever will make me a a contender this year and a deep one playoff run next year. 

    Yes, start immediately next season. No bullshit Matt Rhule 7 year "process" crap. Contender IMMEDIATELY or not interested. Also no more winning season then a losing season. Serious playoff contender each and every year where finishing anything like 9-8 is considered a huge disappointment.

  13. To all those who didnt want him due to three NFC championships game appearances and one super bowl appearance to which they lost are you serious? So competing for the super bowl legitimately each year sounds bad to you? If he never left the NFL I can almost guarantee you he would have had at least one if not more super bowls by now but I guess in some peoples eyes that type of winning culture sucks because he seems to be a bit of a pompous? Most of the greats are a little douchey. I would have taken him in a second.

  14. 2 hours ago, weyco2000 said:

    Ego? I figured he’d jump ship after the NCAA found multiple recruiting violations, seriously the guy thinks he’s god…

    From what I read he took a couple recruits to a well known cheeseburger place and bought them cheeseburgers. I know rules are rules but sounds like some big time recruiting violations there!

  15. 7 minutes ago, Donald LaFell said:

    I think one of the rationales is that the offensive HC isn’t going to leave for a promotion. The team will be in a more stable position because the league favors offense so heavily. 

    I’m sure it can work the other way around but why fight the prevailing winds? The NFL likes points and wants to discourage punishing defenses. 

    All good points and hard to argue with anything you just said here.

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