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Posts posted by YourLastThought

  1. 1 hour ago, Sean Payton's Vicodin said:


    This is our next draft pick!

    Im definitely not on the Jones train what so ever but judge that dude by his body if you like. Granted that has something to do with ability but not everything. Babe Ruth, Jerome Bettis, and Charles Barkley all had less than stellar physiques when playing yet turned out to be okay players just to name a quick few.

  2. I wish him well and hope he has a good year next year. Good guy when he was here and was good for the team as well as the community. Not to mention how good he was to the kids. You cant help but still like the guy and wish him the very best. Wish we had him back in his old kick ass form before all the injuries. A fresh young Cam with the current coaching staff and I would love to see what they could have done with him and developed him into.

    • Pie 1
  3. 19 hours ago, ncfan said:

    Just removed everything to do with the Panthers including profile pic on his Twitter fwiw

    Dammit not again. Why is he ALWAYS a bubble player. I feel like he has earned the right to be a solid rotational member of the organization where at least this season he knows his place with the team is his to lose if he takes his foot off the gas. Somehow im guessing this dude never takes his foot off the gas as he seems to be all effort and very thankful for what he has.

  4. Just now, kungfoodude said:

    I am pretty happy to NOT be doing what the Pats are doing. The crazy money they are spending is highly unlikely to pay off.

    I have a feeling you are right but as history goes its so hard for me to fully doubt Darth Hoodie. I still think that socially awkward misfit is some sort of evil genius and he will have them rise to rule the league again any year upcoming before we know it. 

  5. On 3/12/2021 at 6:12 AM, kungfoodude said:

    He isn't a genetic freak, he just worked hard at being great at his job. I know people personally that can get yoked and add a bunch of muscle mass like that in a year or less. You just have to be super disciplined and do everything that it takes. Now....none of those guys I know are capable of being an NFL LB. 

    It wasn't Luke's ability to carry muscle mass that made him great.

    Also, this isn't abnormal. If you look at a lot of the ex-players that were jacked up, a lot of them look smaller because they don't have to spend hours upon hours working out every week for their job. The "genetic freaks" you are talking about are the guys that still stay huge even after they aren't doing 2 a days or spending 20+ hours a week in the gym. 

    Two types of genetic freaks I would classify them at. One the freak that lifts a little and gets NFL middle linebacker huge. The other are the guys who dont touch a weight and look like a bodybuilder. Luke definitely wasnt the freak that Shannon Sharpe was but make no mistake that dude was a genetic freak in his brain could process football like no other, he was one damn big dude to stand up next to at his playing weight and he also could fly on the field. He was a freak but you are right not a Shannon Sharpe type genetic monster. I just wish we had him back in his youth playing again. I didnt realize how much a difference he made till he was gone.

  6. 1 hour ago, Moo Daeng said:

    If you want to lock threads then maybe lock this John Kitna bs and leave the ones about potential FA targets please. 

    What's wrong with the thread? It's off-season chat is it not? Why don't you just scroll on past?

  7. 3 hours ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    Good thing you didnt mention cargo shorts...

    Not one thing wrong with cargo shorts by the way. The multi pockets are a great asset. Have you seen the puss boy shorts that are in style these days? Tight, short and usually some girly color like pink often bought at some "hip swanky" store at the mall. If cargo is out of style it sure beats those wimpy boy shorts they consider to be in style these days.

    • Pie 1
  8. 3 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    If by "supplements" you mean "steroids" and "short time" you mean the better part of a year then I agree.

    Luke wasn't on roids. Genetic freaks don't need them. He he used roids he would have been even more swole than when he played. Just a freak plain and simple.  Maybe one on 10,000 are freaks like him or like Julius Peppers, Shannon Sharpe etc..Heck Mccaffrey is a complete freak of nature. Not normal but a perfect storm of a partially genetic freak father who got with a natural athete mother and that cyborg we born. Every idot who likes his chest out as he walks through some weak gym like planet fitness thinks they are genetic freaks but truth is they are just too rare. I've seen guys eat like garbage, nd barely workout that looked like greek gods. It's weird how science works but most of us will never know because we aren't that freakish .0001% of the population who are.

    • Beer 1
  9. 7 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    He's definitely lost a lot of muscle mass. Anyone holding out on that pipedream of him coming back can go ahead and sit that pipe down. Granted, there weren't many who were that delusional.

    I don't think you understand the nature of a "genetic freak". Guys like him if they wanted to could easily add 30 pounds of muscle in a short time with a trainer, a dietician, planned meals, supplements etc. He isn't coming back but if he wanted to be could be jacked in 6 months. Guys like him are not cut from the same cloth as your typical beer drinking cheeseburger lunch break eating office working khaki pants wearing douche nozzle who spouts off crap about his supposed glorified high school football career. 

    • Pie 1
  10. Keep Watson for that high ass price. He is NOT worth giving up 3-4 first rounders and a core player and then his high ass contract. Get him and watch how sorry this team becomes because we have no means to build around him. If he staff if as good as some think then they should have no problems scouting and developing a prospect. Screw that 3-4 first rounders for Watson. What a joke

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  11. t was fun reading some of the posts saying how dumb they thought Richard Sherman is. In essence if 99.9999% of the people who claimed him dumb were to meet him in real life they would soon discover the man is abundantly more intelligent than they are, has infinite more physical strength and athleticism than they ever would, could out think them in a heart beat, has a bank account they could only dream of and is pretty much their superior in every aspect of life. If you approach it from a primal standpoint the man could out brain them, out fight them, and pretty much out due them in every aspect of anything in life yet they laughed him off and called him dumb. I may not agree with Sherman fully but calling him dumb or not respecting the opinion of a man who is highly intelligent, highly athletic and faced some of the best QB's to ever walk on the field is just plain foolish and idiotic.

    • Pie 1
  12. 1 hour ago, jackson113 said:

    Need to sticky a thread called “ stupid topics made by Scott that don’t deserve a thread”👍🧐🤦‍♂️

    Also need to sticky a thread for your less than clever responses that fall flat while we are at it We will let you name that one too since you are the authority on good threads and such emoji man.

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