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Posts posted by 3838

  1. 29 minutes ago, Basbear said:

    I knew William Johnson. At one point he was the durham chapter president. My father raced cars and was known locally, many would ask him to make parts and/or help on a car(cause he did great, honest, correct work). One weekend he was in the process of helping to work out an steering problem, wrencher that he was, offen helped everyone. I went with him. As they were working out the problems, William walked in and he was madder than hell. Soon after one of the shop guys ask why?

    William was pissed that he just took whores form fayetteville the week before and needed to traded with the Ohio group this week(didnt want to drive so sudden). He owned 3 massage parlors and would rotate the girls between durham, faytteville, and camp lejeune. But sooner or later he needed to trade the part of the group with people form Ohio, to freshen up the flowers.... Id see him in town and like I said before passed by his club on the way to see a friend. If off with my father, he would stop and chat with us.

    He also had two brothers. One was found with carbon monoxide poisoning along with his girl friend in a mustang dead. Did i mention the mustang was a convertible and on the side of a road...... The other came out of prison and his story(told by a fellow car wrencher) goes " they didn't get all the money" and pop the truck on his Thunderbird showing 6 inches of money. 

    Only time William stopped by my fathers print shop was to stop a sell. You see my father was in the process of buying a building and piece of land. The guy(call him ben) selling had other plans. Ben used the hells angles as body guards and did what he wanted. The early process was to give ben 5,000 as a down payment and ben would ignore everything after. The money was his and he didnt even know you. My father called around asking questions about the ben and William heard about it. He told my father about this, Ben was also in the massage business too...  As a personally favor William didnt allow the sale to get started and save my father the time and effort with dealing with Ben. Luckily no money had exchanged.

    Reason why William was the ex-president, cause in his release form being in prison was he had to step down. Last I seen William he asked me would I like to work private security for their yearly hells angel island party. I replied "No thanks william, Im busy that week". While you had a good experience with one of them, Im still at the original point, much rather have holly-than-me as neighbor than William Johnson. If youre still around that neighbor, feel free to ask about William Johnson. 

    My deacon story involves fires, pianos, and church politics.  Somewhat close to my hells angles dealings. But I mainly knew his son. 

    I forgot to add the hells angles waiting for the pagans on I-85 70 crossing with machine guns and murdered 3 of them. Rather be handed a bible than a spent bullet cartridges.  

    There's the making of a drive-in-movie second feature (adults only) if there were still drive movies around.  It's got all the boxes checked: Murder, Double Crosses, Hookers (er, masseuses) Southern Preachers, Ex-Cons, and Payback. (Rated "R" Parents Strongly Cautioned)

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  2. 11 hours ago, Jon Snow said:

    When I lived in Greensboro my neighbor was in the club and I never had anything go missing. There was never a harsh word or disrespect towards any that didn't seek it out and there was never anything going down in our neighborhood.

    There's a long story that involves his stripper mistress and me but I won't go into that here. Let's just say he was a great neighbor. 

    Now the deacon neighbor I once had afterwards, he would never return anything he borrowed and was arrested for shoplifting a bag of candy while having $2000 in his pocket. 

    Just goes to show you cannot judge a book by its cover.

    Seems like whenever MC members are brought up in story, there always seems to be a stripper there.... coincidence?,🤔

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  3. 3 hours ago, Move the Panthers to Raleigh said:

    The strength of the Steelers was reborn in small cities all over the South. 

    Folks with accents thicker than Andy Griffith claiming to be “lifelong fans” professed their love for the team from a state in which they’ve never step foot.

    Most of which could not find Pittsburgh on a map.

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