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Everything posted by 3838

  1. Been watching the council meeting live. Can't believe these chicks are running the show.
  2. I just thought of the "Evil Emperor" Dude from Star Wars when I saw that mental picture. But, alas Jerry Jones already has taken up that mantle .
  3. None of us have much ( if any ) control over how our tax dollars are spent. Yeah, I think a billionaire owner should pay for his own renovations. But, if my taxes are going to be wasted.... better my football team than say financing endless, pointless wars. ( Edit: Yep I understand the difference between federal and local tax dollars. I'm just making a point about taxes in general).
  4. Oh ..so you know every Clemson fan's thoughts on their favorite NFL in SC... interesting and amazing.
  5. At this point...i think its's a good idea to lock this thread...
  6. Actually this was going on when JR was still around. I remember years ago when Kerry Collins was benched by Capers some huddlers were predicting relocation. This team isn't going anywhere.
  7. I'm sure there's those in St. Louis who think..."we're next in line". (And those in Atlanta that are awaiting the NHL's triumphant return to their fair city)
  8. Yikes. The old tune from the 80s comes to mind "Funky Cold Medina".
  9. Loads of commenters here hate Tepper ( Disclaimer, I have no dog in the fight as I don't know the man) , hate the team e.g."fug them"..."let them move"..."blah blah" etc. A few facts. Most major US cities are suffering from budget shortfalls. The only major US metro area that was reasonably doing well in that area is Las Vegas, and this just in they have a team. Now those I mentioned above will start with San Antonio and Portland ( BTW forget Salt Lake City). 46% of households in Bexar County (San Antonio)are below the poverty line as of April this year. Since 2023 Portland ( Multnomah County) has lost population driven by high housing costs and the fentanyl epidemic. For those rooting to see the Panthers leaving, I'd take those two areas off my list. This to me is speculation and click bait. If Charlotte/ The Carolinas can't support an NFL team then there's not many places to run to anymore that will throw money at them.
  10. "Panthers still lack the time to have a proper fanbase"....Uh...29 years and two SB appearances says... Wrong.
  11. "Fug them both"... someday fans will learn that no one that owns an NFL franchise comes from the same mold as Mother Teresa. They're all incredibly wealthy, and get that way from being given "the bag" from family or being a ruthless mofo in the world of hostile takeovers and backstabbing mega deals.
  12. News Flash - all NFL owners are crazy rich. Most of the people complaining about it have nothing better to do with their lives.
  13. Looking at this " orbit chart", one thing is clear..the Niners are much closer to Zeta Reticulli than we are.
  14. Kicking the Cowboys azz while sporting those god awful things ,that memorable Thanksgiving takes the ridiculousness out of them.
  15. I support this concept. Of course a large contingent of the fanbase will continue to get hammered during pregame tailgating, thereby totally negating the need to purchase said cheap beer.
  16. No more "We were Zebra fugged"!!!
  17. Yes genius move. I suppose you're for Atlanta getting an NHL team too ... brilliant.
  18. You mean they're NOT moving to Los Angeles....( Sarcasm).
  19. Well..you could actually make that argument about " most" teams.
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