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Posts posted by Asaria

  1. Legit question, how did Baker "Win" the "QB Competition" this offseason? Sam has looked like an average to even above average QB so far this year, with good decision making and not forcing anything and taking what the Defense gives him.

    Baker meanwhile might have been the worst QB play since Brian St. Pier started against Baltimore.

    I'm just confused, I know Rhule was on the hot seat and was throwing Sh*t at the wall for something to stick, but surely he could have seen in training camp the clear difference...Right?

    • Pie 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, YourLastThought said:

    I'm sure he mentioned Mayfield and it got one of the little mods undies bunched up. Occasionally one will get flashbacks from being stuffed in lockers during high school then go on a internet tough guy spree banning a few.

    nerd observing GIF


    Don't forget one of the mods admitted he hasn't watched any of the game's in weeks, and yet it getting pissy people are happy we're winning.

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  3. 4 hours ago, CPantherKing said:

    Tepper had this move in play with Wilks from the start. He wanted Wilks under Snow and in place for a change. Wilks was not picked by Rhule or Snow. This is a long play on attracting Byron Leftwich to reunite with Wilks. Leftwich becomes the HC. Wilks stays on as Leftwich's choice for DC.

    Ah yes, the man who orchestrated a attack that put up a whopping 7 points on the 49ers, and has a losing record with TB12 as his QB.

    Surely this man deserves to be a HC.

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  4. 18 minutes ago, Dorian Gray said:

    I'm not even sure interims are eligible, but...

    In the unlikely scenario we win out and win the division, Wilks should be a top vote getter for Coach of the Year, right? This team was an absolute trash fire when he came in, and he's cleaned up so much of it already.

    Looooong road ahead for a playoff berth, but might as well dream big while you can.

    I think technically all coaches are eligible, it's just always gone to the HC for obvious reasons. I think back to when Pagano had cancer, and Arians won COTY despite being the OC again by the time playoffs came around.

  5. 1 hour ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    The only features I care about are the improvements to franchise mode. I don't care about better animations, new intros, etc. All I care about is franchise mode.  Is it significantly improved in the PS4 version or no? If no, then I won't bother. I'm not buying a PS5 for awhile.

    Don't have it, but from what I know it has some cool new features like hiring coordinators and stuff...And when I say new, I mean bringing back a feature Madden 12 had. If you already have 20, really no reason at all to get 22.

    Now Madden 08? I'd pay 100 bucks for that game.

    • Beer 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Snake said:

    Just goes to show how trash this coaching staff is. McVeigh took Baker and made him a game managing winning QB. Wilks couldn't even get one good game out of him. This is why we need a better Head coach and staff. 

    Jesus Christ you're a steaming pile of Negativity, did your mother never give you love? You're nothing but a negative nancy over a ball game you can't control, and over a team that doesn't even know you exist.

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  7. If we win out, finish 9-8 AND also somehow win the Wild Card Playoff game(Which would entirely depend on who said team is) would you guys be open to keeping Wilks and Darnold?

    I would be, if atleast for 1 more year to see Wilks put together a actual coaching staff around him(He has what, 3 defensive coaches left?) and how Darnold would do with a actual offensive line. Unlike some people, I want this to happen, I'm cheering that we win every week(No guarantee I'll even be alive come next season so I'd rather not tank the year away) and I would fully support Wilks and Darnold coming back if we made it to the Divisional Round.

    • Pie 3
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  8. 1 hour ago, WarPanthers89 said:

    Why would anyone be happy for that man. He was already set for life thanks to our organization. He brought us zero value, and will go down as one of the worst coaches in our history who almost completely wiped out any culture that had been built previously. 

    I'm happy for him because I don't judge people over a game that children can play.

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  9. One name I’ve not seen anyone bring up is Bruce Arians, and I’m kinda curious why. He brought the Cardinals to relevance, and they immediately shat the bed after he left(Sorry Wilks) and he took over a Bucs team that hadn’t done anything for years, and helped lead them to a super bowl. You can say Brady was the main reason why, but after being forced out by Brady this off season, that team has taken a major step back.


    Not to mention the work he did with the colts in keeping them together and leading them to the playoffs as a intern coach.


    I know he’s older and maybe he’s done with coaching, but considering he was forced out as Bucs HC; I think he might still have that itch.

    • Poo 12
  10. I know everyone is happy Rhule is fired and likely want to forget the last 2 years ever happened, but I think it's a fair question to ask what was the best moment of those 2 years?

    For me it was the Chiefs game in Year 1, that game was legitimately entertaining and pulling out every trick in the book was fun as hell. Even though we ultimately lost, I remember loving the game throughout.

    Granted alot of that love was the thought we finally had a real coach and the future was bright, but I can still look back at that game and still enjoy how fun it was.

    • Pie 3
  11. Haven't seen anything share this yet, so figure I go ahead and make a post about what Florio tweeted.


    Honestly Florio can be a bit of a idiot at times, but he usually seems to be pretty on with his sources. Not sure if he's saying what a source has told him, or just his gut, but still find it interesting.

    • Pie 8
  12. It sucks to make this Post After Just Week 2!!! But it's painfully obvious that this team isn't any better from last year, and Rhule's Days are numbered(Or Hours as I think there's a real chance we wake up to the news of his firing) So I wanted to gauge what everybody Dream HC/OC/DC Combination For Next Year Would Be.

    Realistic Options only of course, we're not going to get Andy Reid or Mike Tomlin barring some unforeseen event.

    Anyway, here is my list.

    Head Coach: Ken Dorsey, OC of Buffalo Bills: This might seem out of left field, but I was thoroughly impressed with how the Bills looked against the Rams. After a mistake filled First Half, They Made Adjustments(Something that is foreign around here) and absolutely rolled them in the second. Obviously it's one game, but if they play like that all year, the Bills have a real shot at 16-1, 15-2. Obviously, Dorsey would be a kick in the teeth considering he was our QB coach for a while, and was fired along with Mike Shula. Still, it's been 4 years and it does seem he's learned alot in that time. This may(Likely) Will Change Futher Into The Year, but for now I'm going with Dorsey

    Offensive Coordinator: Shane Day, QB Coach of Los Angeles Chargers: Shane Day may not be a super familiar name in league circles, but the work he has done with Herbert has been tremendous since he took over as QB Coach Last Year. In the 2021 Season, Herbert had 31 TD. 10 INT and 4,336 yards his Rookie Year, before his numbers shot up to 38 TD, 15 INT, and 5,014 in his first year under Day. While it's plain to see that Hebert talent level is off the charts(Curse you Rivera for getting us 5 wins and not 4), his TD and Yards Going up under Day was impressive. His INT going up as well can be seen as a negative, but I think Day has the potential to be a top OC in the League.

    Defensive Coordinator: Vic Fangio, Currently Unemployed: Alright enough with the young bloods, let's talk about perhaps one of the best Defensive minds in the NFL. Originally I was actually considering Fangio as HC, as I thought he never got a fair shake in Denver(Look at who he had at QB) and the year after he leaves, they get a Hall of Fame QB in Wilson and...Frankly look worse than ever did under Fangio. Regardless, Fangio would turn this Defense, which has talent, from a Top 5 Unit who always breaks when they need to bend, into potentially the best defense in the league. His resume speaks for itself, as both Chicago and Denver saw Dramatic Increase to their Defense with him, and Drops without him. Also considering his age and Denver tenure, he would be unlikely to get poached by another team.

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