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  • Birthday 04/11/1984

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  1. Darnold had a great start under Brady and probably his best stats for that matter. Still even a passing guru like Brady couldn't get more than 6 games out of him. McAdoo has hid him well but if you're not winning games it doesn't matter much. Walker is still the best QB on the roster and that's not saying much.
  2. Not a Huge fan of Capers and his roots are in the 3-4. As of right now we need a 4-3 guy because our players fit that better sans Burns. Wilks imo has a lot going against him. For one Al Holcomb will be DC. Second picking a OC will be an issue because his coaching tree is pretty thin. His failures in AZ will be his failures in Carolina if allowed to be head coach. He lacks experience and connections to win. Yes he's a great leader of men and is a better coach than Rhule but that bar is set really really low. Rhule was the absolute worst coach in the league. Whoever we try to hire they need a good coaching tree and also be a good leader and coordinator. That's why imo DeMarco Ryan and Shane Steichen are my top two guys. They both have a deep tree to pluck from and have excelled in being a coordinator. Something Wilks didn't do. Not only that but Steichen has developed two young QBs in recent history. Something we need deeply for a fresh start.
  3. That's because Cam was making them better. Rivera was a terrible coach for a Star like Cam. If we would have fired Rivera and hired Andy Reid we would have had multiple SB and probably Patrick Mahomes right now.
  4. Yes small in the way of not high pointing balls and boxing out guys. Not small in the way of taking shots. Dude got his jaw broken and finished the playoff game. Not to mention playing with broken ribs one season as well.
  5. Look how terrible the Packers look after letting Aaron Rodgers run that franchise.
  6. I never saw Funchess as soft. He took some major shots across the middle. My knock was he didn't run good routes. They were always were lazy.
  7. Cap wise it would be a good idea to release him and draft a cheap LB.
  8. It sounds easy but if you look back at the Rhule hiring process and all the other coaches that interviewed none were that successful. You really have to have a FO that can find gold out of all the fools gold.
  9. More like PI. I'm pretty sure the hit came first and that's why it bounced like that.
  10. You would be surprised with the right coach. Something we rarely have had.
  11. In a normal season I would agree but we could win the division and still be under 500 as crazy as that is. It's almost a lose/lose. I just want a team to be proud of and excited for. That hasn't happened in a very long time.
  12. A lot of Moore's and all the WRs for that matter problems are scheme. We also need two TEs to really be effective. It's why I would prefer a offensive minded coach. He could scheme a decent offensive and we have more talent on defense for a DC to work with.
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