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    Carolina Panthers

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  1. OK, I will start by this caveat...I am not a pro football expert in anyway except that I am a long time NFL fan and have been watching since the mid 1970's...that being said I have watched enough NFL to know the following...the Panther's really screwed the pooch since the end of last year...Starting with the following. 1. Steve Wilkes should have been given a chance to be the head coach. dude took over a half assed team but did well at 6-6 considering it was mid season. If he would have been surrounded by the same set of coaches we have now - minus Frank R. of course we would probably be better off. The man should have been given a chance and probably at much less cost then ole Frank. 2. WTF were we thinking trading away one the of best if not the best running back in the NFL...so what he costs money...so does everyone at that level. 3. WTF did we trade away all our picks and give up our best receiver (again one of the best in the league) 4. Yeah our QB room was not great but not as bad as it seemed. Ok, replacing Darnold with Dalton would have been a good thing...but giving up both Mayfield and Coral and wasting all our draft capital to get to #1. 5. Ok so we gave up everything for #1...we picked the wrong guy at QB...but even if we had Stroud how would he be doing since we got rid of two of the best offensive playmakers CM and DJM. 6. Why in the hell can we never figure out that we should spend an entire draft on our O line or at least over a few years along with some good veteran trades. Until we had a great O line our running game will continue to be trash and also passing game suffers as well, especially now that we have a guy that is too short to deal with a bad O line. I am just baffled over how our off season went and what they were thinking giving up so much money to the super staff that hasnt shown us jack Sh!t so far. Also, why does it seem like we are the only team that consistently gets hammered by injuries every damn year. I mean I understand it is part of the NFL, but we seem to have the worst luck and never had enough decent backups to actually do the "next man up" thing when our next man up is 2nd or 3rd tier. Ok that is enough ranting but seriously, am I really that far off base on any of this? What say you?
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