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Posts posted by ncdrifter

  1. On 9/10/2023 at 3:54 PM, KillerKat said:

    - Reviewing a catch that shouldve been incomplete and ruling it a completion.

    - Reviewing a TD that shouldnt have been as the runner stepped out of bounds before the goal line.

    - Keeping the ball at the 1 yard line after penalties on both sides on the punt return. This one should definitely be sent into the league. Never seen this before ever since I started watching football in the early 90s.

    - Calling Dpi on us after the receiver was all over our own defender.

    Yes I know these arent the main reason why we lost, but each one was significant. I expected us to not look like where we should be in game 1 with new everything, but this sh!t right here is what turns me off from football. Ive already stopped watching other games after the head hunting to Cam in the Super Bowl and game 1 the following season. If these types of significant calls continue through out the season, I may be done with football all together.

    We now have betting on games.

  2. 4 hours ago, rayzor said:

    That embarrassing episode with minny makes hit pause on harbaugh and question whether or not he's a guy that a team would actually want to work with.

    Why did they really not want to bother with him. Is his ego too big? 

    Also, Rhule has kind of ruined the idea of hiring a coach out of college for me. The mindset and coaching style for a college coach vs. pro coach is different. I know Harbaugh has pro experience as a player and HC and he's had success, but college coaches coach college ball for a reason that isn't just money. It's where they belong. Same with pro coaches. 

    He might be good, but I would rather look elsewhere....mainly at coaches who coach adults. 

    I agree 

  3. On 1/18/2022 at 12:46 PM, Cdparr7 said:

    We are on our way to becoming the Jacksonville Jaguars. I wouldn’t say Lions or Browns because they have much more history, and fans that are loyal to the bone. He goes for the “offensive minded” coach because that’s what’s hot. Despite the fact that the last 20 Super Bowls have been 10-10. He goes for the guy who makes things sound good, despite no real experience. He is more concerned with the money side of things (Rock Hill, Stadium, Soccer, etc) than taking this franchise to the next level like he promised.

    For many fans as soon as the season is done, they check out. Couldn’t tell you what happens in the off-season, they just know to turn the TV on around August and they wait and see if we are any good or not. For other fans it’s all they have. It was all I had for a little while. I was divorced, I put everything I had into my business and my wife had enough, my kids blamed me for working too much and hated me for it, and the business I spent all my time trying to build up wasn’t doing so hot. I didn’t really have the money for much else as far as hobbies but I had the Panthers. Daily checks on social media and sports news off-season or not, it was my escape.

    It’s not so much the PSL owners, players, coaches, and staff being let down. It’s the ones that pour their life into it because their lives are so miserable they look to Panthers to be their break from it. It’s the families that can’t afford to go, or buy memorabilia, or the ones that are retired or sick and are just hoping to have 1 more winning season before they go. It’s the kid wearing a DJ Moore jersey while other kids pick on him at school and tell him his team sucks. 

    I don’t see anybody in the organization trying to correct it. I see a country club full of excuses who know more than everyone else but have no results to show for it. 

    I just thought the other day I'm 91 and I don't think that I will ever live to see the Panthers play in another Super Bowl. Thanks, Dave and Matt.

    • Pie 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Little Goody Two Shoes said:

    WTF! This needs to be corrected. I'll do my part.

    I don't know about any other team other  than the Phila. Eagles. But I know they were the  first and maybe the only NFL team  to have a Judge and lock up on site under the grandstand.  My son often told stories of fights and mistreatment on visiting fans. Remember they threw snow balls at Santa. The booze really flowed at Vets stadium.


    8 minutes ago, Bama Panther said:

    Teddy’s not a trailer. He’s one of those removable side rails on the trailer. If you get it secured correctly, it’ll hold everything in. If you happen to mess up securing it, well, there goes your couch, book shelf, and lawn mower lying on the side of the highway. 

    Maybe we should get some Teamsters opinions for this topic


  6. 11 hours ago, Zod said:

    For those of you that may enjoy a darker, more seductive Huddle. 

    You now have a dark theme to choose. This works for members only. If you are a guest viewing this, you will need to register. You can do so very quickly by using your twitter or google accounts. 


    To switch to the dark theme, simply scroll to the bottom of the screen, click "themes" then choose "dark huddle"


    Let me know what you think. 


    PS. You can thank @Icege for this feature as it was his suggestion. 

    At age 90 my poor eyes can finally see without straining. Thank you !

  7. Any weight slammers in here? If so go fug yourselves!!! If it's too heavy for you to re-rack it properly lower the weight homie. Im sick of hearing machines slamming around. I pay money every month to use working equipment!!!!!!


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