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Posts posted by Cullenator

  1. https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/no-mow-days-trim-grass-emissions



    But most of us don’t think about air pollution when we’re mowing our yards or shopping for new lawn and garden tools. Did you know that lawnmowers, leaf blowers, trimmers, and other gasoline-powered lawn equipment produce a lot of air pollution? According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), gas-powered lawnmowers account for five percent of the air pollution in the United States and contribute even more pollution in urban areas. Five percent!

    That number starts to make sense when you look at the statistics:

    • Each weekend, about 54 million Americans mow their lawns, amounting to 800 million gallons of gas per year.
    • The emissions from one four-stroke lawnmower operating for one hour are equivalent to an average vehicle traveling 500 miles.
    • Using a gas-powered mower for one hour produces the same amount of emissions as 11 new cars also running for an hour.
    •  At least 17 million gallons of gasoline are spilled annually just filling these lawnmowers.

    The good news? Small changes in your choices in lawn equipment and mowing practices can make a big difference.

    Go Electric

    Trading your gas-powered mower for an electric mower is an easy way to reduce your emissions. Electric mowers have come a long way in recent years. Most models use long-lasting lithium-ion batteries, so you don’t have to fiddle with a cord — or worse, worry about running it! Unlike gas mowers, you don’t have to the change spark plugs, fuel filters, or oil.  Electric mowers are light, easy to use, and quiet. And they don’t emit the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) that contribute to ozone. And if you want a good workout, an old-fashioned reel mower gets the job done with zero emissions.

    Let It Grow

    The taller your grass, the healthier your lawn. There is a direct correlation between the height of the grass and the depth of the roots. If you mow your lawn down to two inches, you will have two inches of roots. If you mow at four inches, you will have four inches of roots. That added root mass will make your lawn more drought- and disease-resistant, provide natural weed control, and reduce the amount of water you need to keep your lawn healthy.


  2. 20 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    76 starts in 15 seasons? 23-53 record? That's a legit starter?

    The point being the assertion that you have to be an NFL HOFer to understand how to play QB is pretty stupid. Like, extremely stupid.

    Anyone who gets 76 starts at QB in the NFL is legit.  Doesnt mean they are any better than average and definitely not HOF bound but you dont get that many shots if you dont have a minimum set of skills that say you deserve to be there.


    19 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Lots of knowledgeable folks don't have the physical ability to do. How many great coaches were great players? Hell, Bill Belichick will tell anyone that will listen that lacrosse is his true passion.

    I do respect the long-term backup QBs. You gotta prepare every week as if you're the starter because on any given play you might be the starter, but the vast majority of the time You're not going to play. It takes a pretty high level of dedication to do that week in and week out for years.

    Fair points re: lots of good to great coaches were not pro-bowlers.

    This guy has gotten a fair amount of mentions 'round here as of late and I was just expecting someone with a more impressive CV than what I found when I looked.

    But in the end he is just some jabroni with a web cam who gave up coaching high school and never coached in a major college program or the NFL and spent 8 years bouncing from practice squad to practice squad with one brief run as a backup and starter.

    Tie that in with the clearly personal biases and I dont find him credible.




  3. 10 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    If that is your logic, why would anyone trust McCown to be a QB coach? He didn't do poo in the NFL.

    I guess we should have Brett Favre instead?


    17 games vs 102

    145 attempts vs 2633

    Career PS and Backup vs Legit NFL Starter (albeit not a great one)

    8 years in and out of the league vs 18 years in the leage

    Retired HS coach vs an NFL coach





    Yeah I totally see how thats a solid comparison


  4. 1 minute ago, Lame Duck said:

    What do you do when you come to a store and they sold you something you didn’t order?  

    Exactly!!  Id leave and not go back.


    I wouldnt go back week after week and then complain about the bad product

    • Flames 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, Harbingers said:

    Plenty of space if you move the parking on the north west side. There is literally a car crusher/money laundering on the other side of the highway. Easy fix. Next!

    So take out the parking deck, rebuild the foundation of the dome, rebuild the support structures for the highway, and since the parking has to go somewhere lets just displace those businesses to the NW as well as the electrical substation.



    For 8-12 weekends a year...

  6. 4 minutes ago, Lame Duck said:

    This makes zero sense.

    I love those positive threads after we look like dog poo year after year.  Folks here settle for participation trophy.



    Alright then


    What should we as fans do?  What can we do to change the product on the field?


  7. 12 hours ago, Lame Duck said:

    And people wonder why this franchise the way it is.  Fans settle for mediocrity and always look for good in bad and always “hope” for the future. -Result, a shitty franchise with no energy.

    the only fans that are "settling for mediocrity" are the ones who bitch and moan about everything from the field surface to the owner and yet watch every weekend (or better yet dont) and then keep coming back here day in and day out to find something new to bitch about.

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