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  1. Man, watching Bryce pass the ball is like listening to Coltrane...taking a dump in the crapper!
  2. Do it anyway, face the consequences later. He's gonna be fired anyway if this continues.
  3. I know he's a first time coach, but it's irresponsible to continue to play with no hope or inspiration. At least Dalton can throw downfield.
  4. I honestly feel bad for these players. Adam Thielen was so disappointed at the end of the season...and it's starting even worse so far.
  5. Wow! When Moton has the lowest rating of group, that's supposed to be a good day.
  6. Remember when Rhule and company blamed Teddy Bridgewater for all their problems that one season? Good times.
  7. I'm just gonna say...it doesn't help that the only preseason game BY played was that last one against backup players.
  8. One thing I've always said: You get Bryce to the red zone, he'll get a TD.
  9. I can't watch the game, so have have to watch the stupid gamecast. But did Bryce looks as good as it seemed on the cast?
  10. I guess I'm confused. If ANYONE needs to play, it's Bryce. What's the coach afraid of?
  11. I literally fell asleep during this game. But I am reaching that age now....
  12. This NFL Network broadcast sucks. I get it's the Patriots announcers, but they're not even bothering to mention any Panthers by name so far.
  13. I'm just not a fan of these "off schedule" QBs. I saw a couple of analysts on ESPN claim Williams' play dipped last season because his o-line and receivers were bad. But explain to me why his back up QB threw 6 TD's (over 300 yds) in a bowl game against an allegedly superior Louisville team if those disadvantages were real. We'll see.
  14. I like it a lot. Pretty much the best we can hope for.
  15. I always thought he was overrated coming out of college...but I'm happy to have him here.
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