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Posts posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. But it was all wierd. Court didn't demand immediate something. NFL appealed.

    I know the list allows certain communication that Peterson and his agent need to be....

    I just haven't read anyone credible report otherwise in regards to consent.


    The entire concept of the exempt list is weird.  As it stands now, it's an abuse of power in my opinion.  The NFL, and this commissioner in particular, is woefully lacking in a system of checks and balances.  I know all the owners care about are the paychecks and account balances and they're the ones that give him his power, but the whole thing reeks of bullshit.  The exempt list is just another way for the commissioner to throw his weight around and move the chess pieces on his board rather than treat people fairly and work out honest solutions to problems.


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  2. NFL players have to consent and agree to be placed on it. They can resist if they want. Hardy believed that was his best option.

    I'm just stating fact about the list

    He likely agreed to it bc it secured him a paid vacation instead of facing you know.....punsihment of losing game day checks.


    I'm pretty sure Peterson didn't consent to being put back on the Exempt list the other day after winning the suspension appeal.  So yea, we all read that Hardy chose the latter of the two punishments presented to him last year, but it doesn't seem accurate that a player HAS to consent to being put on it.  Since I'm pretty sure Peterson didn't agree to being put back on it.


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  3. My opinion on whether he paid her off:  I think he probably did.  There's nothing even remotely concrete that showing he did just the court saying they have evidence (i.e. she made the accusation, but now she's not cooperating, so obviously they reached a settlement aka circumstantial evidence), but it was probably the easiest resolution to the whole ordeal so he figured he would out a chunk of money either way, either going to lawyers or going to paying her off.  Giving her what she was going for from the beginning was the quickest way to put the issue in the rear view of both himself and the team.


    In regards to the Big Ben case, settlement papers were filed.  It was formally settled.  Different than Hardy's case.  And in Big Ben's case, the only reason I'm more inclined to believe he's guilty is because it had become a pattern, wasn't a first time or one time thing.  Similar to the whole Bill Clinton scandal.  Also because he's a Steeler.

  4. I don't get how hard it is to understand that this isn't like some regular joe construction worker getting a paid vacation. Even if you discount the fact that some of these guys actually enjoy the game and stopping them from doing that for a disciplinary reason (or any reason not related to performance) is inherently a punishment, it's affecting his earning potential. In the same way an employer can't impact an employee's ability to earn if the employee is summoned for jury duty or military reservist duty an nfl employer should not impact a player's reputation or ability to perform in a way that will impact their earning potential. That's a punishment.

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  5. I paid attention. I stick with my guess if I was forced to bet MY money on what happened.....and was told I would then have a video feed of went down after I guess? I'm guessing both them did stuff that would have gotten both arrested that night.

    and saying something stupid was basically a HUGE part of his charge.

    if saying something stupid were legitimately what the problem was and they were both guilty of that then she should have been charged too. That may be what they were trying to get him for (legally) but the reality of the situation is he got in trouble because she said he harmed her and that's what he's being held accountable for by the nfl, the public and that's how she got what she was presumably after all along - her payday.
  6. how is he likely innocent?

    He got a guilty verdict...he appealed...then he paid her off....then chargers were dismissed.

    IMO, the safest bet if you had to guess what happened....both he and she were probably both guilty that night.

    I think he likely gets 1-2 games for conduct detrimental.

    He's likely innocent if you actually paid attention to the situation and the trial. This was one of the most obvious money grabs I've seen in the nfl. At least in recent memory that i can remember. The only thing he's even remotely possibly guilty of is saying something stupid, but I imagine that'd be hard to prove.

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  7. Maybe a few people had known about it and were working on it, but I still think it's impossible for it to have been circulating around the media (implying many knew about it) for months with nothing at all coming out until last week. We'll just have to see.


    They're not saying a video has been circulating, they're saying knowledge of the existence of a video has been circulating.  I could see them sitting on it if they don't even know whether the video actually exists, much less what's on it.  I hope it's not true, I actually like Dez as a player too despite hating the Cowboys with the fire of a thousand suns. 


  8. - We have a better roster than we had two years ago

     It's close, but I'd say yes.  On the plus side, our secondary looks promising for the first time in a long time, our DT spot is rock solid and we have a promising young WR.  On the negative side, our OL is MUCH worse and if Hardy is gone like most believe our DE spot is much worse.

    - Over the past two years, we have seen improvement from our coaching staff

     For about 13 games last season I saw improvement from Ron, but this year proved it was a fluke and/or him doing whatever it took to save his job.  The rest of the coaching staff hasn't shown an iota of improvement.  So this one's a resounding no.

    - Our front office has us headed in the right direction

     Yes.  If nothing else, clawing us out of the cap hell has been a hair short of a miracle.  Good drafting has been setting us up for sustained success.  So this one's a resounding yes.

  9. I could see multiple scenarios where we pass on OT in the 1st.  Very possible in Gettleman's eyes there ends up being only 2 or 3 OTs worth a 1st in this draft and they're gone.  If someone like Kevin White, that Parker WR (haven't done my own research on him, but I hear he's getting buzz), Landon Collins, Shaq Thompson (another guy getting buzz, I don't quite get it yet but I need to see more) or another guy at a position of need that's rated higher than the OTs is available Gettleman won't take the lower rated guy just because we so desperately need a LT.  As crazy as it may sound, this is a draft I could actually see us trading back up into the late 1st or early 2nd if there's a guy available we love.  If, for example, we take one of the non-OTs I just mentioned at 25 but there's an OT available at 31 or 35 or something that Gettleman didn't like better than our guy at 25 but still thinks very highly of I could see us sending next year's 1st to go get him.  I know it sound like crazy talk, but this is the first year in a while I could see it actually happening.

  10. Which would be evidence to see why Harbaugh was probably wearing his visit out. He inherited alot of talent and did very little in adding talent. Now they aren't on rookie contracts, aged, and not on the upside. He was in win now mode and didnt build for the future


    Eh, that "lot of talent" wasn't doing much before he got there... I believe the 49ers success the past few years have been much more a result of his coaching than the talent on the team.


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  11. Hardly reckless.


    Hundred mile an hours in his car, while taking a pic with his phone and tweeting it...

    Where are the facts in this story?  All I've seen are assumptions and conjecture.  Do we know he took the pic?  You're saying he tweeted it while driving?  Never read that.  Where was he?  IF he took that picture himself and tweeted it while driving 100mph on the freeway, then yea that's a bad decision but hardly the worst ever.  If he was simply going 100mph on the freeway and someone else took the pic and he tweeted it later, then not a great idea but not worth fretting over....


    That horrendous rap video while he's suspended from the team...


    Not making any great effort to stay around the team despite being allowed by the league...


    Going to the strip club rather than supporting his teammates in an important game...


    Poorly timed marketing of himself...


    And his other misadventures on social media...


    Above five complaints are complete irrelevant and of no indicator of any sort of problem or risk whatsoever.  If making a horrendous rap video was a problem then Shaq shoulda been kicked outta the NBA countless times over. No one knows the situation surrounding his presence or lackthereof during his suspension.  For all we know he didn't want the bs circus surrounding him to affect his teammates.


    Let's face it.  We're not exactly talking about a guy with a history of good judgment and decision making.


    By my count that's ONE possible poor decision since he's been here, admittedly a likely at least somewhat poor decision if he was speeding on a public road.  One does not make a pattern or history.


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  12. Have you ever had one of those friends you try to defend from something, only to watch him turn around and make an ass of himself all over again? Hardy's that guy, on a grand scale.


    This is the sort of thing you've said over and over here that I wholeheartedly disagree with.  Hardy HASN'T made an ass of himself at all.  Does he march to the beat of his own drum?  Sure.  But he hasn't done one thing wrong since becoming a Panther.  He's shown nothing but the utmost of work ethic and has never had any off (or on) field problems before this.  And this has been, by all evidence that has been made known so far, nothing but a scam by a manipulative woman to cash out on an opportunity at the expense of a gullible, young, wealthy man.  Hardy's only mistake or wrongdoing in this entire affair has been putting himself in the wrong place (in more ways than one). 


  13. No, this is still about the domestic violence.

    As I said, all that has been proven us that he paid holder and she went away.

    League is evaluating whether tgere us enough there to warrant a suspension.

    Remember Rothlesberger was suspended even though he was never found guilty.

    Not saying he should it should not. Just what I think the league is looking at.


    That hasn't been proven.  It was theorized.


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  14. Not much would make me happier than to see the 49ers go back to how they were before Harbaugh got there.  They don't have much legit talent that's been brought in since Harbaugh got there, not much improvement to the actual roster.  That rookie LB that was supposed to be good, I think Aldon Smith got there after Harbaugh.  Not much else.  So I could definitely see them going back to what they were before him.

  15. Is the reason no one can get in contact with Hardy's accuser because she OD'ed after the settlement? 


    Pure speculation, but no implausible. 


    Apparently, she's been all over social media traveling.  Colorado, Georgia, NY.  She has better things to do with her time now that she got what she wanted from the beginning.


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