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About JawnyBlaze

  • Birthday 06/06/1982

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  1. The worst thing about his size? It’s not even his biggest problem. His accuracy, decision making, footwork are even worse than his size.
  2. Well, one section was easily false. We didn’t lose our best player, we extended him. And the defense looks better on paper, not worse. The only player we lost and didn’t replace with at least an equivalent was Luvu.
  3. I mean, if Brady isn’t a football Superman I don’t know many who are. Foles and Eli were anomalies. Foles benefitted by being a late plugin like Jeff Hostetler. Linus has an amazing team perfectly built to beat the Patriots. I’d argue it’s harder to build the perfect team than to find a Justice League QB
  4. Look at the Super Bowl winners. Supermen win championships, and if you’re not trying to get one then you’re doing it wrong. Or at least a Batman. We currently have someone with Robin potential at best. And not one of the good ones. The dead one.
  5. Similar overall philosophy doesn’t mean similar results or skill. Wilks was a bad coach. He was so conservative he made Rivera look like his nickname wasn’t actually satirical. He was stuck in the past in more ways than just “run the ball”. His style would be good for winning a few games against the bottom feeders but useless against mid to good teams. Sure, that would be an improvement over last year but I’d much rather suffer some bad years trying to find someone GOOD than suffering many years with someone just good enough to win a few games, not to mention keeping us out of QB contention in the draft.
  6. The impression I get is that CMC tried reaching out over the past few years but Cam never hit him back, so CMC might have gotten his feelings hurt a bit or figured Cam didn’t care about maintaining the friendship or whatever. So he didn’t make an effort to include Cam in the wedding. Little did he know, but he might not have had Cam’s current number and that’s what led to the lack of communication. Now theoretically you could argue that Cam could have always reached out to CMC over the years too, but we’ll probably never know the true and full story. But like you said, no big deal heh.
  7. I don’t think he invited him, dunno where that came from, but this article doesn’t have Cam’s response, he asks him what number he has. Sounds like maybe CMC didn’t have Cam’s current phone number.
  8. Don’t you put that evil on us, Jackie Lee.
  9. “Doubling down” would be giving him a new contract when the time comes. Giving him a second year isn’t doubling down, it’s not being stupid. Even I, who always wanted Stroud and see nothing of value in Bryce, still want Bryce to get another shot this year. Worst case scenario is also the best case scenario: he gets us a high enough pick to take his replacement.
  10. That’s my stance. No matter how many douchy things he does (oh noes he threw a drink at someone who was being an asshole ), the bottom line is unlike the last guy he cares about winning and will do whatever he can to facilitate that. He might not always be right, but (also unlike the last guy) he’s willing to admit his mistakes and move on even if it’s costly to do so.
  11. Jesus this thread about a complete non issue that ain’t happening is still going on
  12. I’ve seen lots of speculation of a relocation threat with absolutely zero actual information. I’ll believe it when I see it. And if they relocate, so be it. Will still be my team. I haven’t lived in NC in over 20 years
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