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Everything posted by panthertime

  1. It's GREAT to see Cam make sure a Panther Fan (child) gets a ball...even in the visitor's stadium. You just don't see this anywhere else in the league. This is your Shout Out Cam, you're a great representative of the Panthers
  2. Impressive Drive by the Panthers. Smart and patient, Cam to Olsen passes and the Stewart TD...
  3. 8 & 0 baby........The Panthers control their destiny. This team is special
  4. I'm tired of this UNDERDOG crap, TIRED...............
  5. Buck and Rodgers just hate that Green Bay has lost. Bring back Ronde next week and get these rascals back out of town.
  6. Cry me a river, Rodgers.....there's a new Beast in the NFC and it's the Carolina Panthers.
  7. Thomas Davis baby!!!!!!!! Panthers hold. Cry Rodgers, cry.
  8. This is it Panthers' fans. Let's go to 8-0........ come on D
  9. I'm ready to jump off the sofa and hit Rodgers....come on Panthers
  10. Aikman your plane is ready to get your butt back to Dallas. And, don't let the door hit you on the way out of town
  11. Everytime the refs "look under the hood" we lose. Imagine that. Now I know how Tom Brady feels about the NFL
  12. Panthers twitter says he is taped up and coming back in. According to Max Henson
  13. Dom Capers says, "Man, I wish I was still the head ball coach here."
  14. How many high throws has Cam made today? TOO many it seems
  15. Panthers still have to play smart, Cam needs to be under control. Harper was not smart on D. We can't be like that. Little mistakes turn BIG.
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