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About panthertime

  • Birthday 08/14/1961

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  1. Same old, same old. Some things just don’t change.
  2. Sell this team, Tepper! I’m sure some owner might surrender peanuts.
  3. Dumpster Fire or Train Wreck?. Both come to mind of images for these Carolina Panthers.
  4. He does need to grow about five inches and gain 30 pounds. Oh, yes, get stronger too.
  5. Well, you’re probably right. I agree but a second and fifth? Darn Fitterer and this joke of an owner.
  6. Grew up a Redskins’ fan in the 70s and 80s. Looks like I might just return to their fandom. Take take Tepper.
  7. Second and Fifth for a future Hall of Famer. Mediocrity lives in Carolina. Sux being a Panthers fan.
  8. Wish we had taken the two firsts that the Rams were offering that Fitterer refused to accept
  9. Groundhog Day every Sunday. Same old, same old and unfortunately it’s not going to change
  10. This Panthers team is the worst is professional sports history
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