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Everything posted by panthertime

  1. Stupid penalties will kill us, Roman Harper. Not smart
  2. Yes, we're sort of the Rodney Dangerfield of the NFL? I ask when will the American Media/Broadcasters and former players realize this is a special team....
  3. It's about time these talking heads former players and coaches catch on. This Panthers team is for real.
  4. Ok, Bradshaw, what do you think about the Panthers now?
  5. 285 yards of offense in the First Half. Pretty darn good.
  6. Come on Shula. Let's not be content for 3. Let's get 7...........
  7. Did you guys just see Peppers' expression on the sidelines? Looked like he was in class at UNC.
  8. Gotta keep the foot on the gas. Both feet, actually.
  9. Carolina on My Mind. Wake up America. These Panthers are for real...
  10. Did Aikman just call Funchess ... Funchass ? Sounded like it...
  11. Cam should have shoved the ball right into Pepper's face mask
  12. LUUUUUUKE with the chase down. Going to get good field
  13. America must think it rains or is cloudy in Charlotte all the time
  14. And Superman held onto the ball after the dive...that's what we should have had on the first drive
  15. More chances to grab your favorite beverage from the frig.
  16. Does seem that way. Why throw the ball when Cam had those runs....still shaking my head.
  17. We need to be getting 7. Three points with Aaron Rogers on the other side is just not going to cut it......Cam should have run it down their throat.
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