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Posts posted by rippadonn

  1. 4 minutes ago, BlackPanther22 said:

    Well this isn't true at all but ight man you got it lol. No sense in continuing to go back and forth with you when your mind is made up on the kid. 

    I hope if we pick him and he turns out to be really good that you still ain't on here acting like this lol

    Well done though.


    5 minutes ago, Verge said:


    And he called Justin Fields a bust. Pretty good track record so far. 

    I'm a legacy Bears fan and yes, he has been borderline bust until he got my DJ. Watch JF now.

    It won't be a garbage take until after this season.

    Now Zach Wilson, I can't help him there, he wasn't alone on that one though.

  2. Just now, BlackPanther22 said:

    Hey, for whatever reason he doesn't believe in tape lol. Stats are life as he says. 


    For every video like this, there's another 3 or 4 talking about how good Bryce is. I personally subscribe to QB school for breakdowns, he doesn't really have bias and hey, JT was actually an NFL QB. 

    Bryce isn't without flaws but man.

    Tape says Bryce can't handle a three man rush.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Lurk21 said:

    I'm going to support whoever and I have warmed up to Bryce but watching this video really has me kind of questioning  him!  When they ask what trait is Elite and will that elite be different  vs Elite level players. I'm a lil worried but hopefully  we continue to build around him if he is the pick! 


    Great video. Hey don't @me WATCH and LISTEN to this vid.

    Dude is saying EVERYTHING I am. Don't listen to me watch this. 


    • Beer 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Lurk21 said:

    I'm going to support whoever and I have warmed up to Bryce but watching this video really has me kind of questioning  him!  When they ask what trait is Elite and will that elite be different  vs Elite level players. I'm a lil worried but hopefully  we continue to build around him if he is the pick! 


    Not elite.

  5. 1 minute ago, Jon Snow said:

    Dude, I'm as concerned as anyone about Young but he's a much better qb than Murray. Bryce is and will always be better than Murray.  I will take Young 10/10 times over Murray.  Let's not get too crazy with this.

    Better HOW? Show me something that would indicate that because all the indicators besides good tape don't.

    The NFL is good at shutting weak sh*t down.

    • Poo 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    It was Carson Strong spamming last year until he went undrafted. Then it was Corral was Rodgers 2.0 until he got injured in preseason. Before that it was Kyle Trask, so yeah it’s a thing. Now it’s anyone but Young for whatever reason.

    Carson Strong is on the comeback trail playing professionally, Kyle Trask is three years in. Corral is a Panther AND you ignore Justin Herbert to make what point exactly?

  7. 1 minute ago, ForJimmy said:

    It was Carson Strong spamming last year until he went undrafted. Then it was Corral was Rodgers 2.0 until he got injured in preseason. Before that it was Kyle Trask, so yeah it’s a thing. Now it’s anyone but Young for whatever reason.

    The obvious reasons YOU ignore.

  8. 2 minutes ago, BlackPanther22 said:

    Processing, playmaking, throwing with anticipation. All traits I'd say he's the best at in this class. 

    You can disagree and that's fine but just going around and reading scouting reports on him, those are things he consistently gets higher marks on than his peers in this class. 

    It's funny to me that ceiling is always aligned with physical traits. AR obviously hasn't reached his ceiling, I agree with that and he can get better for sure but so much of excelling in the NFL is about the mental stuff. Which again is something AR can probably do too but we've seen the big strong guys with amazing physical traits flame out before because they couldn't catch up to the speed and mental side of the game. 

    Bryce's might not have the highest physical ceiling but as he continues to develop, his ability to process and dissect defenses will grow and allow him to become an even better player. Because you can big as big or throw the ball for as far as you want but if you don't ever catch up on the mental side of the game it won't matter. 

    Plus, the kid is 21, I believe he'll be able to put on a little bit more mass in a NFL conditioning program as he grows into his adult body. 

    By ceiling I mean exactly what your talking about with Bryce, that seeing and processing and buying time isn't something you can improve on in a ceiling changing way, you can get more accurate, you can get stronger but again THOSE aren't the traits you guys are highlighting as it pertains to Young. 

    AR with Reichs help CAN become more accurate and with Reich and co. help can be the best rushing QB in the league, following blocks and getting down safely. Is that a part of Bryce's game that can be "grown" to raise his ceiling?!...

    cbs lol GIF by HULU


  9. Just now, BlackPanther22 said:

    You are super dramatic lmao.

    I don't think anybody who's been going back and forth with you the past couple of pages has made any blatant excuses outside of pushing back on some of the things you've been saying. 

    They downplay better players. Someone needs to say something.

    Bryce isn't the best at anything.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Tr3ach said:

    Most of the best qbs in the league have been "one dimensional".  Was Brady one dimensional?  What about Manning?  Rodgers?  Mahomes?  They dont rush for the most part either, they are good at feeling pressure and moving around in the pocket.  The same as Young.   Young is faster than Mahomes i would bet.

    Yet if Brady was in this draft he would be totally ignored by the puppy eyed Youngsters.

  11. Just now, ForJimmy said:

    Stats are life bro. Says the guy who wants to draft AR based on projection. Hey check out these college stat killers! How did they do in the NFL?



    You are speaking of how prolific he is how hes the best this and that, at seeing and hearing and smelling the field.

    If he's all that why isn't he an all time great college passer, he's not, yet you defend his passing like it's other worldly.

    He's average with a lot of hype. See who his sports agency is, probably the best.

    Nobody said AR was the best anything, we've said he has the highest upside even over your mighty mouse.

  12. Just now, ForJimmy said:

    I’m sorry he had 3000 more passing yards. 8400 to Murray’s 5400. So what 55% more and over 30 more passing TDs. Again they are 2 different style of QBs.

    I'm talking about as a starter, he couldn't match Kyler as a starter. Kyler only started one year. Those stats were better than Bryce too.

  13. Just now, BlackPanther22 said:

    ....well yeah the tape matters lol

    Without tape everything else is projection, which is part of the reason I'm iffy on AR at one. Like yeah he shows flashes on tape but it's a massive projection because the tape wasn't consistent. 

    Stats are life bro. His numbers don't match all the hype.

    Sorry, they don't. If you guys could change them for Brycee I'm sure you would. I see the love but he's just not all that. He's average everything.

  14. 2 minutes ago, BlackPanther22 said:

    Well based on the history of this franchise and our former #1 pick we don't need to be asking out QB to be running over anybody. We don't need to have a power back playing at QB, we just need somebody who can get themselves out of trouble when they need to. It's really not that hard lol. 

    Not all these QB's play the position the same. And while AR and Levis can run what are they gonna do when that's taken away from them? They both aren't as advanced as passers as Bryce or CJ (though Levis isn't as far off as AR). You can poke holes in all of these guys. 

    Nobody has to worry about Bryce running, much easier game plan.

    AR, Levis, Kyler, they're a problem.

    Less is more though 2023.

  15. 2 minutes ago, BlackPanther22 said:

    He plays like Bryce Young man lmao. 

    Clearly your Tua comparison is rooted in the fact that they both went to Bama which is fine but it's lazy because they ran two different offenses when each was at the school. BOB wasn't Tua's OC (Sark was) so therefore the offense was different and they played differently because of it. You keep talking about rushing yards too which again, Bryce isn't a dual threat so obviously his rushing stats aren't gonna be eye popping. 

    There's plenty of tape of him scrambling to pick up yards if he has to which all good QB's do. 

    Why is he better than guys that can run when he doesn't put up better passing numbers than those same guys who can also run.

    His passing numbers aren't historical. His completion percentage career isn't even better than Matt Corral.

    We're paying too much for average everything, oh the tape though.

  16. 7 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    Leaving off crucial data to spread your fake narrative. Young has twice the passing yards and 30 plus more passing yards. All of this because it’s not the player you want? If he gets injured your boy Corral should be closer to playing.

    Twice the passing yards of who exactly? 


  17. 2 minutes ago, BlackPanther22 said:

    But again, you're comparing rushing stats for two players who do not play the QB position the same way. Kyler is a scrambler who uses his speed and running ability as a natural part of his game. 

    Bryce scrambles too but he scrambles to pass not to run and he can run but it's not one of his main traits.  

    That's all Bryce has, if they shut that down he's done for, can't run away, can't run over anybody.

    He can easily be made one dimensional in the NFL and he doesn't have the legs or power to get yards like Kyler, or Levis or AR when the pass is shut down. Those guys can still get yards going north to south, not the Baker Mayfield sideline scramble that develops nothing.

    He's a weak choice. Literally.

  18. 3 hours ago, BlackPanther22 said:

    Two things:

    1. I feel like Tua comparisons are lazy because they don't play the same way and Tua had a lengthy injury history before coming into the league. Hell, he was injured pretty much throughout his entire pre-draft process I believe with a hip injury. Bryce has only had one injury that only cost him a game and a half. If the guy had a rap sheet of injuries I'd fully understand the sentiment but it's simply not true. Sure, he could get hurt more at the NFL level but so could 6'4 AR and 6'3 CJ. It's all about your play style, the line in front of you, and the make up of the offense to protect the QB. Luke was just on WFNZ last week talking about how hard it was to hit a smaller QB like Drew Brees. 

    2. You can't even really compare Bryce hype to Zach Wilson hype because Bryce has been an extremely productive QB in college for multiple years in the best/most competitive conference in CFB and he didn't just pop up out of the blue in the same was Zach did. If anybody is the Zach Wilson/Josh Allen 'outta nowhere' prospect this year it's definitely AR as far as media hype is concerned. 

    Like I get being cautious of the dude because he is an outlier but me personally, he's gotta show me on the field that he's an injury risk before I slap that label on him because to this point, I have no reason to believe that. 

    I keep hearing that he doesn't play like this guy or that guy. Who does he play like because his stats don't measure up to any of them. 

    Tua? Same coach, same system, HE had 340yds rushing. Bryce plays different huh?

    He's not a dual threat QB. Tua plays more like Bryce than not and even he had more career rush yards in college.

    You are limited in that department with Bryce he didn't do it in college and damn sure shouldn't in the bigger stronger faster NFL.

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