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Posts posted by rippadonn

  1. 1 minute ago, DaveThePanther2008 said:

    I would have rather stuck with Cam than deal with the Bridgewater issue.  I think with the offense we had last year Cam would have done better than Bridgewater.  I am certain that given the opportunity to win a game (8 I believe) He would have won a least a half of them. 

    It was stupid when he did it and looks even more dumb as the fervent search for a QB goes on.

    You had a franchise QB. Now your begging for others to do what you stupidily did. You released YOUR franchise QB for NOTHING. And now want to trade the world for one?!

    Humble thyself Tepper, call free agent Cam Newton instead of hoping Houston will be foolish as you were.

  2. Ownership jettisoned the franchise QB who now looks like he may play for the Patriots again, because said franchise QB was washed up. Being that Cam may be again employed in the NFL and seems healthy his calculus was flawed.

    He's pissed off much of the fanbase with the handling of the situation and his over simplification of the value of a franchise QB and is now flailing to fix his mistakes which could take a decade or more if they don't hit on a draft pick (50/50) or go all out and get a proven franchise QB to replace the one he foolishly dismissed like used toilet paper.

    Could Cam have played another 5yrs? Obviously. Change just for the sake of change without direction is in itself ego driven foolishness. You can change everything around a franchise QB but you don't get rid of one if you have one.



    Now fix it!

    • Pie 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, joemac said:

    I wonder which one of Drummond and Easterby LaCanforna has been talking to about this?  This is kinda out of the blue if there has not been any chatter going on behind the scenes.  Is Drummond our back channel into Houstons Front Office?

    Perhaps Drummond has Easterby's ear, and hes using that to negotiate directly with Cal McNair?  Their new GM probably wouldn't appreciate that very much though.

    Drummond can actually communicate with BOTH owners in this situation. HE knows both of them. I don't. You don't. He does.

    This is way too much smoke not to be fire.

    Plus we're the only NFC team he's willing to be shipped to.

    • Pie 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Captain Morgan said:

    Welcome to Charlotte, the Island of Misfit Toys—home of a team finding itself and, from the looks of it, having a hell of a lot of fun in the process.

    Put them all together and a Charlotte club that many projected to rank among the league’s worst before this pandemic-warped season has notched wins over the pre-Harden-trade Nets, the full-strength Bucks, the Heat with Jimmy Butler back, and the Warriors (thanks in part to Draymond Green momentarily taking leave of his senses). On Wednesday, they added Phoenix to the list, scoring a 124-121 road win against the fourth-seeded, two-All-Star Suns.

    Without a dominant individual scorer to just throw the ball to over and over, the Hornets aim to overload opponents with movement—the sort of purposeful passing and cutting that traces back to the “point-five” mentality that longtime Spurs assistant Borrego cribbed from Gregg Popovich. 





    Damn good writer. Being relevant feels good again, especially as Hornets.

  5. The no trade clause is a precursor to players forcing a trade to...  because any type of mismanagement or mutual departing of ways. Houston signed THAT and knows exactly what it means.

    If you haven't heard Deshauns side of the story I wouldn't be so pro team pro NFL establishment hierarchy. A lot lead to his present position. To him it's now or never. He gave them some great years and performances.

    Houstons stance only makes his case more clear, unless its a smokescreen to really talk to a particular team in waiting. Houston should focus on FUTURE player relaionships.

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  6. Can You Smell The Rock GIF by WWE



    “Now, the big noise I have heard over the past 24 hours comes from the Carolina Panthers. I spoke with someone last night, and we spoke about Deshaun Watson. This is a person in the know, and they told me that the Panthers will do anything they can to acquire Watson, and they will pay any price to acquire Deshaun Watson.”


  7. I've never seen my Panthers as a scrub organization. We haven't been. Having been born into Beardom and living in Charlotte at my Panthers birth I'd love it if the former had the Panthers level of success.

    A lot of you are whining about a relatively successful franchise. It took KC 50years to get back to the Superbowl. Panthers got there twice in 12 yrs.

    I still have Panther pride, although new ownership is racking up loses. This show is for losers. Not no, but heck no!

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