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Posts posted by rippadonn

  1. 5 minutes ago, electro's horse said:

    is there a thread on this forum where someone isn't laughed out of the website for a post this stupid?

    Get you an N95 mask and some fluoride free toothpaste, that'll open your mind a bit.

  2. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    They do work as long as the vast majority of people actually wear them.

    Surgical masks are for bacteria and spit NOT a virus. False sense of security. Also increasing peoples daily CO2 which will make their immune system weaker. Sick people should not be gassing themselves for ANY reason. People with high blood pressure should NOT be wearing masks for any extended period. If you've had the flu shot you are recirculating covid as well as other flu shot goodies in your mask daily, which could lead to SARS.

    Masks violate OSHA but nothing to see here.

    YOU are responsible for your own health, nobody else cares, they only profit from ignorance.

  3. Mandatory masks should be N95 or better. Roy Cooper is totally OK with knitted masks and surgical masks that give folks a false sense of security.

    Either mandate masks that REALLY work or stop the political foolishness.

    He may be embarrassed for running the president out of town, deservedly so, you look like a puppet, but we shouldn't all be covering our faces for his own shame.

  4. My New Years resolution is to not make redemption and second chances and forgiveness thread about a certain free agent DE that, if he got the chance, could and would beast along with Kony for years to come. A guy who would plug right in and make the D line a force again. 




  5. 1 hour ago, pantherjack77 said:

    please please tell me your kidding....seriously you playing the 'refs out to get us' bs?....WE LOST THE GAME DUDE...some of you need to man up bigtime...Falcons beat us on line of scrimmage all day

    as far as penalties, what were you saying when they had all those questionable holding calls against them when all they had to do was run out clock?....was that reverse conspiracy theory fix job?...

    your post is total garbage

    I'm blaming losing focus on them looking for calls they aren't getting. STFU and watch the games. Your breath is garbage

    • Pie 1
  6. This team tends to loose focus when the refs are stacked against them. We have to understand that we MUST beat the refs each game too.

    i saw some blatant no calls in Atlantas favor all game. Make plays and they can't do much  about it. The slant was obvious. Then they call three quick penalties when the game is over to save face and cover up what they did. DONT LOOK TO OFFICIALS FOR ANYTHING! They've proven to be your enemy

    • Pie 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    I also like how the refs held their whistle all game until that last meaningless drive and then called a penalty every f'ing play once the game was basically over...  so, when you look at the stats, it looks like an evenly called game, when it was anything but.

    I want to see Matt Ryan punched in the face with a fuging mack truck.  Bitch ass motherfuger.

    • Pie 1
  8. Steve Smith will likely be traded at some point. The Ravens aren't making the playoffs and he's retiring. They'll trade him for whatever they can get around Nov/Dec.

    Doubt it'll be back here but it would be funny. 

    The more that idea is popped up around here the more it starts to sink in that #13 & #89 on the field would have been nasty, dominant! If they could only pull that off this year would be instantly fixed at WR and next year SB


  9. I don't like how we John Fox it up and dial back the defense when they're sitting on a lead. It almost came back to bite em'.

    The pass rush IS NOT getting there and a good QB would have carved us up today.

    As DE's usually take three years to develop Ealy isn't a true #1 yet, and it shows at times. Lack of foresight bit them and continues to bite em'. You let the 3rd best player on your team walk and he is immediately employed by a playoff team. 

    IF Bowers can play they should have called the guy already. Oh, I forgot...

  10. Or this 


    if you could assemble an army of #89's you could conquer the universe. Why the military hasn't cloned this guy already is beyond me.

    I forgot that one though, thanks. His career highlights are gonna be amazing and him not getting in the HOF would be an injustice.

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