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Cpt slay a ho

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Posts posted by Cpt slay a ho

  1. 12 minutes ago, tukafan21 said:

    They haven't and I pointed that out on here many times before we made the trade.

    A big trade up to take a QB has never worked as far as I'm aware, main reason is because if the available QB's were THAT good, the team who finished with the #1 pick would take that QB and trade their current QB instead of trading away the pick, like the Colts did with Luck/Manning.

    So teams are trading away far too many assets, whether they be picks or players, to take a prospect who wouldn't be the top QB taken in most years.

    It's a bad recipe that doesn't work out

    And before anyone points out the Mahomes trade, that is VERY different.  First is that they didn't really give up a haul, they only gave up a 3rd and a future first to move up 17 spots in the draft, that's kinda a steal.  Then Mahomes was anything but a can't miss prospect who landed with a team that was already contending in the AFC, with an elite coach, WR, and TE already in place while then letting him sit and learn for a year.

    The closest to it working out would probably be the RG3 trade, which really only failed because their coaches were dumb enough to play him in the playoffs on an already injured knee and it ended up ruining his career when he totally tore it up.  So who knows how that would have played out, but when the closest time a trade like this has worked out is when the player won ROY and then fell off a cliff due to injuries, it's not something teams should keep trying to do.

    Hence my point in this mess, guys getting paid millions and with unlimited resources on players profiles etc couldn’t see what a handful of bros on a Internet forum could 

    almost malpractice at this point 

    • Pie 1
  2. I wish I could point the finger at just one player, one coach, one gm but as long as we have a owner that seems to can’t help to interject himself in football operations and every important step we have as a football club we’re doomed barring he has some come to Jesus moment and quits meddling 

  3. 15 minutes ago, BrisbanePanther said:

    Strongly disagree. This is the thinking that has us here right now. Paying him will do absolutely nothing positive. If he signs that extension on October 9, people will hate him and call his contract an albatross by October 12--if it takes that long.

    We get on this treadmill of, "we have to pay so and so" and on and on it goes until we can't wait to get them out of here as they're deemed "overpaid". It happened with KK and bunch of other defenders, and it even happened with Cam, CMC, and DJ on the offensive side of the ball. I believe there was total Huddle frustration over the old regime paying people to "keep them in the family".

    No, get Burns out of here ASAP. Send him to New England. They're not making the playoffs in that division even with Burns, but at least they won't be embarrassed. Belichick will give up 2 #1's. On the back of the last two weeks, now is the time to strike while the iron is hot. I know we like to stare at our navels, but they look way worse than we do.

    Fitt should have had a voicemail waiting on Bill as soon as he finished his presser.

    I disagree, and it’s sorta why we’re at where we’re at, if we are firing fitts and hiring a competent gm, which is a stretch with this ownership, and the new gm thinks it’s a good ideal sure but as it stands currently, fitts has traded more talent from this team than he has replaced and we’re seeing the result of that with this current team. 

    comparing this to KK is not close imo, kk was 28 when we extended him I believe, burns is 25, short never had a season close to 2015 again after the extension, burns has at least been a consistent fridge double digit sack guy. Like I said pay him and meet in the middle, this is all while being on a team that offense rarely has the lead 

  4. I mean at this point why trust or believe these guys will get any big decisions right, they haven’t even lucked into one that even bad gm’s/coaches fluke into.

    Didn’t feel either of the 3 were worth trading up for since historically those trades very very rarely pay off, I mean clear mismanagement by the FO that majority of this board saw coming, and we all get paid way less and have a fraction of the access these guys have to these players,film, measurables etc 

  5. I mean not young’s fault ultimately, he didn’t ask for us to trade an absurd amount to trade up for him.

    it’s actually stunning to me that people who get paid millions to make such incompetent decisions.

    these types trades have been made time after time, historically, they have not panned out and news flash, when there’s a talent that rare for grabs at 1# rarely if never do teams trade out of that spot, colts let Peyton walk for Andrew luck, this is even with his last healthy season with the colts being a superbowl appearance.

    everything since 2018 has resembled a team that owner has his finger prints all over, releasing cam, trading cmc, trading dj Moore….cons fans into believing these moves were for the betterment of the future of the team, it’s all well worded bs these guys are clueless 

    • Pie 1
  6. At this point it’s just pay the man, team is far away from competing and him and brown are the only real pieces on the defense to build around 

    when I say pay I mean meet in the middle, that would be the logical thing to do but trading him with fitts under control still, will just be the icing on the cake for such a terribly ran clown show this team has become 

  7. We probably won’t figure out cause I have have high doubts we can surround him, let alone other players on the roster with the resources and coaching to get the best from them.

    I think he can be what Nick foles was from his better years if the right talent is added, drew Bree’s is a stretch, division rivals or not Bree’s is not something that may ever be replicated, especially at that size 

  8. That’s the problem with the dysfunctional franchise we’ve become, when you don’t have a good gm or HC established you can’t evaluate the talent we might have on the roster, but if it’s the teams talent that is the issue, top tier coaching can’t fix that 

    we might have both, along with a gm that’s responsible for the lack of talent and lack of draft capital or assets to make up for it

    its bad  

    • Pie 1
  9. Not Bryce’s fault he was over drafted, real issue is tepper, quit getting con by this franchise that they actually are taking winning seriously, everything he’s done since buying the team has shown otherwise 

    And these stupid ass hype articles they keep putting out about Bryce just are making things worst….if you have 2 eyes you can see the bs they’ve been trying to force feed us for years 

  10. This organization is ass

    that doesn’t absolve byrce from doing what is common sense and not taking sacks or at least holding on to the ball

    bro is sitting back in the pocket with no worries just holding the ball waiting to get sacked 

    and get Frank’s ass outta here to, spamming wr screens and rpo runs up the middle like kid playing madden 

    fitts need to be gone come Monday 

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