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Posts posted by PhillyB

  1. 10 hours ago, WarHeel said:

    What I’m saying is if your doctor, lawyer, news source is able to speak or write with eloquence, most would be willing to trust them as a resource than using “ain’t” in a sentence let alone using it incorrectly. But the larger implication I was trying to get across is that just because someone mentions the pitfall in someone’s grammar doesn’t mean they are culturally biased or racist as some of you have implied. Assuming the African American population, or any other ethnicity for that matter, speak a certain way based on their skin color sounds more like the real cultural bias  to me.

    no, it ain't wrong, it's an accepted dialect. conversations about dialect aren't about whether they're grammatically incorrect but about whether they are appropriate in a given social context.

    and since it was a fuging casual twitter post and not a supreme court hearing a one-liner in an extremely common english dialect is perfectly appropriate.

    it's pretty obvious you're just bigoted against black people who talk that way.

  2. really deflating that after a year spent building this offer and cultivating the front office relationships and prepping financially for it, the panthers are bested by the saints who pop up three days before free agency, poop up an offer, extend some guys, and are the instant favorite to land him.

    we live in football hell

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