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Posts posted by PhillyB

  1. Remember that we currently have 4 mil in cap space and may not be able to match what he wants to be paid this year. He had a 7 mil cap hit last year, and 5 mil in 2013.


    Maybe we can talk him into a 2 year deal where he only counts 2 or less against the cap in 2015, and maybe 4-5 in 2016. If not then it may just end up as a visit and that's all.


    quiet you

    • Pie 2
  2. I don't care enough to communicate with the dude anymore B). I said my opinion about how Rivera and the players deserved more credit for the past two years and he responded in kind with passive-aggressive replies :rolleyes: and fabricated accusations :wacko:. I get enough of that from women :wacko:. I don't need it on here  :lol:. So he can continue his passive-aggressive crap with others and have a nice life  :D  :P  :)


    try again with a little dash of straw man

  3. We had the same discussion last year and I'm sure we'll have the same discussion next year.

    If each player a team scouts is given a numerical value 1-100 and is put on a board, then all other things being equal, yes, need will win out.

    So if our pick comes up and there are five guys that are rated relatively close to each other, let's say a left tackle rated an 75, two wide receivers rated at 83 and 84, a cornerback at 85, and a defensive tackle at 97.

    Under this scenario, there is no doubt in my mind that Gettleman picks the defensive tackle because he is overwhelmingly superior to the other players. Now of course it doesn't fill an immediate need, but as I stated before, rosters are a fluid entity that change constantly so what isn't a need right now might be a need soon.

    Now let's take this same scenario and say the defensive tackle is an 84-85 value. In this scenario, I believe the team can go with the wideout over the defensive tackle, because even though the DT is technically the best player available, it is by such a minuscule margin that you can get the value there that you are looking for while also fulfilling an immediate need.

    I would argue that in neither of these scenarios is it ok to take the left tackle, regardless of how badly we need one. Reason being, you simply can't pass up on either of the remaining players mentioned that are far superior to that player. Maybe, and it's a small maybe, if that tackle was as high as say an 83 could you entertain it, but even then it's a tough call I'd rather not make.

    But then that's why the front office is in the war room and I'm writing this from the bathroom (shoutout to SCP). Because those are the calls they need to make during a draft that changes with each passing pick.


    this is such a fuging easy concept and it's incredible to me how many people have to be walked through it.

    • Pie 1
  4. I had a weird cold this past week and today was my first day in the gym since last Saturday. I feel like I've lost months of progress in one week.


    i hate that. i've been bartending for the ACC tourney all week, 80 hours, and when i finally get to the gym monday night it'll have been a week away. i already know i'm gonna feel like i've lost all sense of continuity… it's demoralizing

  5. fug i hate this kind of poo. i've never been a pessimist but my mind always wanders into worst-case scenarios. my mind gets bored sometimes and preemptively asks itself how i would react to a given situation and these sorts of things only make it worse. there is nothing quite like having a kid and then hearing horror stories on the news to make you realize you'd fuging destroy a motherfuger in a heartbeat if it came down to it.

    • Pie 1
  6. making a few catches against shitty teams' shitty sub dime package backs doesn't make you a good player when you do a bunch of really bad stuff too. it's been noted before that the fact that he went to wofford community college probably gives him a boost over the rest of the JAGs that are running around on practice squads.


    that said, i'd like to see him given a shot in camp. you can't deny production in the clutch, and as long as we're moving him off return duties he should get a fair shot to stay on the roster. i hope he surprises us.

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