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Posts posted by PhillyB




    i didn't know that, so touche. i concede the point. 


    however my original point stands independently of philadelphia's scheme: regardless of why he switched, is it unreasonable to consider the possibility that he might not play DE for us as well as he played similar-style DE last time he played, which was in the prime of his career?


    it's a pretty simple point and i honestly can't see how it isn't glaringly obvious

  2. a cursory search reveals that trent cole had a shitty season in 2012, his last year playing DE. chip kelly stated that the move to OLB was intended to maximize his physical abilities.


    in other words we have a 32-year-old who was a fading talent at DE when he was 29, found a new niche as an OLB, and now suddenly it's incredibly stupid to ask if there could be some fall-off in production if he moves back to the type of DE we play and he played during his prime in the mid-2000s?



  3. He played the traditional 43 role for 6 years: was an awesome DE.


    He played 2 years of wide-9 DE, a strong scheme to produce pass rush but not very good as a run D scheme: was an awesome DE.


    He played 2 years of 34 OLB: was a mediocre-at-best OLB.



    Ask any Philly fan. He will not be remembered as an OLB by anyone who has some sense of football knowledge. Period.


    i'm not asking how he'll be remembered, i'm asking if his playing level as an OLB will be the same as a DE. why was he moved to OLB in the first place?

  4. Who's the foo who asked the stupid question, can he play DE?

    The man played DE. He played DE!

    Oh lawd. Someone help you please.


    at first i felt bad about wanting to make a joke about a village in laos missing its idiot, but now that i realize you're willfully stupid i'll go ahead and make it

  5. If you were talking about a draft prospect I would have believed you bro.

    But this is Trent Cole who played DE and made a living at it until the last two season at OLB.

    Dumb as a rock.


    does his level of play at OLB in 2014 translate to his play as the type of DE we would use him to play in 2015?


    ignore everything else, this is the crux of my question.

  6. He was a DE before an OLB the last two season.

    The end.


    you had me wondering if i was a dumbass for a minute there, but now i realize it's not me, it's you.


    OLB and rushing the passer are no more mutually exclusive than DE and controlling gaps/playing the run.


    the entire premise of my post was that some guys who split time between coming out of a stance or standing up in a LBer position do not translate well to playing the style of DE that carolina utilizes for its 4-3. you clearly didn't understand what i was saying.



    edit: fiz did a nice job explaining actual facts to you but you'd prefer to say "blah" than learn anything.



  7. Philly, I really thought you knew your football. You disappointed me.

    Can the man play with his hand in the dirt? Really. Like really.


    i mean i'm sure he can juggle three bags of dicks at the same time but the point is he probably can't do it as well as he can stand up as a 3-4 DE/OLB

  8. lowering expectations from a friendship can be a painful thing to do, especially when it's one you care about.


    a lot of people think you should just let it die… i'm not sure i agree. maybe you'll have to go beyond what you should fairly have to, but i think you should reach out and say something. sometimes people don't even realize they're being assholes, or sometimes it's coming from some deeper place that needs to be uncovered and brought out. and by broaching it directly, you either fix the problem or come to the absolute realization that it's unfixable, but either way you know that you tried to be the best friend you could be by attempting to salvage it instead of just kicking it away and pretending you don't care.


    good luck

    • Pie 4
  9. my wife had a friend a few years ago who was jerking her around like that-making plans and not following through, standing her up, being awkward, etc.  her behavior just kind of inexplicably changed over night.  she was still friendly and bordering on flirty with me which didn't sit well with my wife naturally.  it seemed like she was trying to play head games and it slowly started to boil over.


    my wife lost her patience, there was an eventual confrontation which the friend did not take well at all, and that was the last of it.  all i learned from it was that i don't understand female social dynamics at all and i just need to worry about keeping the cars running and the yard maintained.


    should we alert zod that a 40 year old man hijacked this account?

  10. remember too that a huge part of the decision here factors in our cap situation, where we're currently paying massive numbers at the defensive end position. with cam and keuchly on the docket for contracts hardy simply becomes a victim of numbers… to which extent we can honestly blame hurney's decadence for hardy's departure as much as anything.

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