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Posts posted by Ocpanthertew714

  1. 32 minutes ago, CRA said:

    I don't think they would be willing to own the position of potentially giving us a franchise QB like Fields that could haunt them for a decade.    For that reason, I think we are just removed as an option. 

    I don't think so either.  Why give a division rival a "possible" franchise QB.  Denver in this situation makes the most sense to me. 

  2. 1 hour ago, WOW!! said:

    What makes him a super computer again?? 

    Does he have a 4.2 grade point avg.. or do you have some wonderlic test he did where he didn't miss a question...

    my apologies, I used a parable.....  how about this. ...supercomputer is to ability(i.e. z. wilson, fields)  as typewriter(mac jones) is to.. well not much/underwhelming ability.

    does my thought process make a little bit more sense? 


  3. 8 minutes ago, SizzleBuzz said:

    Me personally I believe the Texans should hold him to the letter of his contract and keep him as their QB --- DW's contract doesn't have a "my feelings are hurt" provision in it. 

    I agree with you on this.  From my understanding, is that the Texans have all the contractual  leverage.  So now it comes down to, if Watson is willing to sit out and loose substantial money. 

    • Beer 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, SizzleBuzz said:

    And he was given his chance to provide said "input".   

    [McNair had a dinner meeting with Watson over the weekend. During that meeting, he asked Watson for his opinions and thoughts on who the next head coach should be."]

    The Texans did not "ignore" Watson on the matter.  In fact, McNair did the opposite of that, he specifically provided Watson a forum for discourse and listened to his opinions and thoughts.

    [McNair had a dinner meeting with Watson over the weekend. During that meeting, he asked Watson for his opinions and thoughts on who the next head coach should be.]

    You have no idea if Watson's "input" was "ignored" or "never taken seriously"...but if that's the case, too f*****g bad.  You know it's possible Watson's "opinions and thoughts" were bad ones. 


    You seem angry.  

    "Watson offered input on potential general manager candidates, but the Texans neither considered nor consulted with those endorsed by their franchise quarterback, league sources told ESPN."

    To me, that comes off as: The Texans ignored Watson on this matter, and input was never going to be taken seriously, nor with any real consideration. That's my thoughts on the issue of "input".  You're correct, it's absolutely possible that his input was horrendous.  However, it seems from the start, the Texans had no plans of taking his input seriously.  

    I think we can agree on that there are reasons both you and I, sit in our home offices and debate Adam Schefter articles, as opposed to working for any NFL organization.  


  5. 8 hours ago, SizzleBuzz said:

    I mean we can article swap all day, but "input" is what he wanted.  The Texans ignored Watson on this matter.  Which begs the question, if your input was never going to be taken seriously, nor with any real consideration, is that really input?

    Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson bothered by team's hiring process, sources say (espn.com)

  6. 3 hours ago, Mr. Scot said:

    I don't blame anyone for making the best of their situation, but some of the suggestions people have are just ridiculous.

    You want to let a player pick a coach? Okay. Obviously they're more likely to pick someone from their side of the ball, which probably irks the guys on the other side of the ball especially if that side gets neglected. Plus what happens if the player starts declining? Is the coach going to be loyal to him when he shouldn't?

    Letting a player pick a GM is even crazier for the same reasons. Throw in the question of what happens when that quarterback or player retires? Now do you get a new coach and a new GM picked by your next quarterback?

    I get that people want good players to play here but good grief!

    A bit of slippery slope argument here, but remember Deshaun Watson wanted input on decisions.  This of course does not mean he makes the actual pick.  Could've easily been something simple as  "we need a person that can shift culture for the better".  If you're franchise player wants to have input, then I believe they should have input.

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