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Darth Urious

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Status Updates posted by Darth Urious

  1. Yeah man... I want people to be as prepared as possible, but it is hard to convince some people... I don't like to get to paranoid or anything like that... I just want to be ready for anything that could happen, both mentally and physically...

  2. yeah what started it was he was going crazy kicking around and stuff while I was changing him and I instinctively popped one of his legs without even thinking about it... I felt horrible immediately because a.) he's too young to understand what he was doing and b.) because I lost control so easily... Scared myself actually, and felt horrible on the guilt train... We've always said that we'll do the timeout thing, but we were both raised getting old fashioned whoopings, and we turned out alright... Hopefully he doesn't make us go that far, but I think we'll go the spanking route if pushed too far... I'd never do anything to really hurt him though... :( Ahhh the joys of parenting... lol

  3. yeah, I know... as does it most people... ;) Hope you and the fam have some great holidays!

  4. your posts confuse me sometimes... Are you a guy? lol

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