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About Panthro

  • Birthday 02/06/1979

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  1. I once schooled a precocious young virgin boy child in the art of street basketball 11-3
  2. Any stellar Cs out there to be had
  3. Coming in to say this the San Antonio/Austin area is prime plus look at all the UT players we have now
  4. B thought the lb was the biggest head scratcher but that just means he’ll end up the best of the bunch
  5. That’s exactly why the name should change to Charlotte Panthers
  6. It was always Brooks though they did like Cooper if Barton dropped I think it would have gone Barton then a move up for XL
  7. People’s reactions make this my favorite part of the draft
  8. I’ve seen other places that had him as a top 75 player and the potential to be an elite nfl lb
  9. Solid move we dropped 13 spots and picked up a pick next year
  10. Might as well put a picture of the Houston 500 on the side of the helmet
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