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Posts posted by panthers55

  1. 8 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    My point stands.  We traded a poo load of capital for a kid that needs a time out 2 games in.  

    Needed it or in an abundance of caution we are resting his ankle and trying to look at the long term? Why would you risk further injury when you have a capable backup.  It is just a bonus he can watch Dalton while he recuperates. I am sure he isn't happy he is sitting as he is a competitor.

    Your take on all this suggests you didn't want him from the start and have an agenda here. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, DeAngelo Beason said:

    Sorry guys.  The problem is the QB.  The shiny new toy we traded up for ain't gonna work out.  No one wants to admit how important the QB is in this league.  The fact is this is probably the best coaching staff the Panthers have ever assembled, and might be the best staff in the league.  The front office is by far the best one we've ever had.  We swung and missed on a high school freshman at QB and now we're doomed.  That's all there is to it.  Just pray to God that Bryce figures out how to be a good QB.  

    Now we have gone from judging a draft pick after 3 seasons to calling them a bust after 2 weeks.


  3. 2 minutes ago, Ghostface Chilla said:

    I agree with this post. The only thing I see is that with our current roster, Reich's play calling is failing hands down. We simply don't have the speedy skill players needed for his play calling. I would really like to see Brown get the calls sooner than later. I know Reich said he'd hand it over after 4-5 games, but with the past 2 weeks, why wait? 


    Also, I will watch every Sunday because when the team finally clicks, all the doom and gloomers will be back on here going overboard in the other direction! lol!

    One of the things I want to see is whether the offense looks better or worse with Dalton. From what I have read much of the ultimate play choosing is based on reading the defense and audibelizing to what works. There are several options we can do from a particular formation so we line up the same whether we run or pass. The question is playcalling or execution? This Sunday may shed some light.

    • Pie 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    2 games in and he has lost his confidence.  Got it.  we traded all of that capital for a mental (and literal) midget, the gift that keeps on giving


    Have you ever played competitive sports at any level? From your responses the answer appears to be no. 

    Truth is you can blame our fans for that. Booing your own guy 2 games into his rookie year.  When they interviewed Derek Carr he said he couldn't believe the fans were booing in his first home start. He noted that fans have no idea how hard it is to play QB. 

    • Pie 1
    • Flames 1
  5. Looking forward to seeing Andy play. Bryce can use the time to regroup and regain his confidence which you can see he has lost a bit and he looks tentative and won't chuck it down the field. Sitting should help him take stock and get ready to jump back in in a few weeks. I think the staff doesn't want to David Carr him and this is one way to help him without making it obvious there is an issue

  6. Looking forward to seeing Andy play. Bryce can use the time to regroup and regain his confidence which you can see he has lost a bit and he looks tentative and won't chuck it down the field. Sitting should help him take stock and get ready to jump back in in a few weeks. I think the staff doesn't want to David Carr him and this is one way to help him without making it obvious there is an issue

    • Beer 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Knaakedup said:

    This staff came into this season all wrong. Instead of leading everyone on with making us think and believe we were "just a QB away" from contending, they should have leaned hard into a rebuild and all of this would be much easier to swallow. 

    Not only that, we literally have nobody on this roster that is a "cornerstone player" like Luke, TD, Olsen, or Cam. This team is just so sad and unrecognizable compared to previous iterations. We've had 2 strong eras of different players that gave this team an identity, first being the Delhomme, Smitty, and Peppers time. Both of these eras led to a Super Bowl. I look at this mish mash of random players and theres just no fuging way we're going anywhere close to the promised land any time soon. There isn't a single player on this team that I am attached to like I have been during each one of those eras. 

    Fit is a complete dumbass for not taking those picks for Burns last year, which would have set us up nicely to retain capital we needed to find those future cornerstone players and not come into the season with a wide receiver group that share lead soles in their cleats. That whiff alone is an offense that should have him sailing away into the sunset. What are we going to do now? Pay top 5 DE money for a middle of the pack player that shows up every other game? Trade him when everyone knows that we would only be trading him to get away from that contract so we will end up with half of what was offered last year? fuging disaster.

    Since game 1 of preseason we have looked like a complete dumpster fire with offensive ideas from Madden on easy mode. I cannot wrap my head around how we are so damn cursed with offense here. I know people are saying to give Frank time, blah, blah, blah, but c'mon guys, his poo does not pass the eye test. Our offense looks the exact same as it did in preseason when we "weren't showing our hand". 

    My desire to watch Andy Dalton be our QB this weekend puts me as a fan at an all time low. Like, somehow worse than an imaginary game with Pickles as our QB and Rhule being the coach. 

    No opinion yet on Bryce, he's a complete "whatever, man" in my world right now until he has something that resembles a competent coaching staff that properly builds around his strengths and for the love of god, get some real weapons. 

    Other than that we should be offloading everyone else. Burn this ship to the ground and try again before we waste more years. Frank is not the guy, I've seen enough. Amass as much draft capital as possible, trade back every round, i don't give a fug, but own the fact that we've done nothing but make bad move after bad move for the last 4 years and commit to fixing it, not slapping bandaids on it to keep butts in the seats. I'm sure someone will chime in here "who do you suggest as a coach, genius" and to that I say - no fuging clue, I'm not that guy, but lord knows I have seen enough bad coaching staffs being a fan of this team to already know this one isn't taking us where we want to go. 


    Totally disagree. Young is going to be fantastic in a few years. Did you see Manning play as a rookie? I did and it was ugly.  Guys like Burns, Moton, Chinn, Hekker among others are great players. We have a bunch of upcoming guys with great ability who are learning and growing.  Only a casual angry fan would throw in the towel after 2 games. Did you expect him to do what no other rookie qb has done in a decade which was win his first start or look great immediately?

    I said months ago that we would likely start slow and could lose our first several games but by the end of the year we will be a tough out and could challenge for the division (assuming that no one wins more than 10 games). I still hold to that view. Have I been disappointed through 2 games? Absolutely, but what I am watching for is game to game improvement and we surely played a better game Monday versus Atlanta.

    This staff is a good staff based on their previous performances and once they gel will help us really get things rolling.

    I am not sad Andy is starting. I suspect Bryce could use a rest and watch the veteran play while he watches and see what happens on the field. I have heard a number of QBs say it helped them to play, sit and then play again. 

    I am not looking at this as 4 years of sucking. I look at this as 2 games into a new improved regime where Tepper finally did something right.

    I expected a bunch of whining and bitching from huddle members as that is what they do

     But I have to admit I didn't expect this much after 2 games.  I stayed away for 48 hours to hope the whining would die down but it seems to be a Neverending story around here.

    • Pie 2
  8. 41 and you are worried about seeing us not win a Superbowl.  In my screen name the 55 stands for the year I was born. I have been here since the start. I couldn't afford to go to Superbowl 38 but did go to Superbowl 50 and took the whole family. I really did think we were going to win. I said I hoped it wouldn't take another 12 years but it looks like it might. So I can bitch and worry about the Panthers not winning a Superbowl in my lifetime.  Wait another 25 or 30 years and if we haven't win one by then, you are justified in worrying and bitching. Just saying.....

    For the record I think we will be in a superbowl in 5 years and hopefully we finally win one.  I plan to be there when we do.

    • Pie 3
    • Beer 1
    • Flames 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, HarbingersDad said:

    Guys come in here. Huddle (pun intended) nice and tight together. Leave your homemade tin foil hat at the door. 

    Someone logically explain to me how pretending Bryce has an injury can be beneficial in any way to the coaches? Let’s workshop a few scenarios before your peckers come flying out of your pants.

    Scenario 1: Andy looks great! He wins the game handily and throws for let’s say 300 yards and 2-3 tudders. Now the coaches look stupid for their pick because that means Bryce wasn’t pro ready day 1 (which is what they’ve all been telling us).

    Scenario 2: Andy looks mediocre and we win a defensive battle. The offensive coaches look stupid because that means it’s 100% scheming and roster building issues. Can’t really blame 1 QB or another in this scenario. 

    Scenario 3: Andy looks terrible and Seattle takes a dump on our forehead. Now the *entire* coaching staff looks incompetent for a multitude of reasons. 

    Okay ladies and fellas, explain away how this can possibly be a good thing for the coaches at the end of the day. 

    If scenario 1 occurs then the staff have to decide who to play and it could blow back on starting Young if he goes out and we keep losing.  Might mean he sits for a while like Mahomes and many others gave.

    Scenarios 2 and 3 would indicate Dalton sucks and actually increase the chances Young starts the next game.  But honestly the notion the staff sucks is not going to fly with most knowledgeable folks who thought we would struggle out of the gate with new staff and a rookie qb. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, WarHeel said:

    Understood. Just wanted to make it clear I try to look at things objectively. I was a Teddy supporter while he was here but was also supportive of him leaving when the time came.

    So my post in particular isn’t meant as a slight at Bryce. It’s to point out that the spread looked very Teddy-esque per that game and that it’s something to monitor once we get some speed back on offense. 

    You are ignoring the obvious though. If you listened to the announcers talking football when they werent slobbobbing the Falcons and Bijan, they made the point that Atlanta's defense was predicated on keeping everything short and in front of them. So Bryce was taking what the defense was giving him. He isn't good enough yet to dictate to the defense so of course everything was short or incomplete. Expect the Saints to do the same while bringing more pressure.  Hopefully we work on more intermediate to long passes while cleaning up the shorter stuff over the middle.

    • Pie 2
  11. So let's talk about playcalling. How much was gameplanning, poor adjusting, poor execution, or something else.

    You see the play run not the play called or what adjustments were or were not made. Were the protections good or not?  

    How many plays like that first 4th and 1 were intentionally called right over the left to see what we are capable of rather than trying to score using a finesse play which stood a better chance of success.

    The playcalling wasn't adequate and the execution was poor. But I am withholding judgement until I see some more games.

  12. Just now, WarHeel said:

    Well it was my OP which you commented on so that was my assumption. Who were you referring to?

    I think it is obvious to folks who frequent this site that certain posters beat the same old dead horses and have players or coaches they don't like and constantly complain about. So I don't need to point out what is clear to anyone paying attention.


    • Pie 1
  13. Seems like everyone with an ax to grind are coming out of the woodwork to complain about their same old issues legitimate or not.

    While I dont have an agenda, I am always glad to give my 2 cwntssolicited or otherwise

    .What I saw was a quarterback who started off pretty well but after those picks became tentative and held the ball. Sometimes we had folks open early but Bryce held the ball hoping for more seperation which in fact gVe defenders time to recover. On those long balls Young was putting them way out in front rather than giving them air for the receiver to catch up if necessary.  Totally understandable for a  rookie qb playing in his first action.  Hopefully he will bounce back and play better on Monday night. I have heard it said that teams make the most progress between week 1 and 2.  We will see shortly.

    • Pie 5
  14. 11 minutes ago, SmittysLawnGuy said:

    No offense but to say the cap is a myth is lunacy, ask the Rams. Don't get me wrong, I'd take that Super Bowl as well but now they are reaping what they sowed. 

    Again the myth is that the cap really limits you when it is actually judging talent poorly and guaranteeing too much money so you end up with a ton of dead cap money dumping or trading players, injuries or guys that retire prematurely.  Why do some teams stay in cap hell while others dont??

  15. 14 minutes ago, CRA said:

    Why can’t the HC and DC say he is playing?

    I assume he took the field as the parties got closer.  When it was reported they were far apart he wasn’t practicing.  Now that they seem close he is preparing to play. 

    and the HC and DC have to call it day by day because team Burns is likely claiming he won’t take the field to play with out a deal and they hope it gets resolved by then. 

    They aren't saying anything because they have said repeatedly that you need to ask Burns and he isn't talking.  Burns isn't going to hold out but if he says that up front regardless of the negotiations he just gave away a huge bargaining chip and he isn't doing that. The Wednesday deadline was the point at which he had to report if he was going to play this weekend. 



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