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About panthers55

  • Birthday 12/23/1955

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  1. Given this is Canales first season any comparisons about the past are irrelevant. We have a completely new team and they picked him for the longterm. The only opinions that matter are Morgan and Canales. Maybe a major reason players didn't get better was due to a cavalcade of poor to middling coaches and fruit basket turnover. Let's see what he does and how he uses him before deciding whether it was a good move or not. Just saying, it is barely June.
  2. Defenses have to respect the offense whether that is running or passing. Qbs in the NFL have to make plays to move the chains. And they have to be able to throw to all parts of the field and to all depths. Young in college threw a number of deep balls but his receivers had the advantage and much like Russell Wilson bhhe could throw it up and expect his guy to come down with the ball. Not so easy in the NFL especially with who we had. Maybe Legette and Sanders will be able to make the contested catch and make Young look good.
  3. Your run game and pass game have to be complementary. Having running backs who can catch and having wide receivers who are dangerous running the ball make you less predictable which is what you are alluding to. It has been a while since our offenses could be described as innovative or creative.
  4. I think people have to understand that a good team has to be able to run and pass. In 2023 Washington passed the most at 66%, the least was Baltimore at 50%. KC is at 60%. And others are in between. Where were we last year? We were at 59%. So you need a running game and a passing game. Which you do more is likely a function of how much success you have doing one or the other. Duh. You can say you are going to be run first but if the defense loads the box you will be throwing the ball. If they set up all day in cover 2 with safeties deep, you likely will be running the ball. You have to do both when they know what you are going to do anyway. Here are the percentages if interested. https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/passing-play-pct
  5. The probem.is that Bryce didn't come from a system that threw on timing and used mostly West Coast concepts. He held the ball and bought time trying for a big play which he often made given lesser college talent. He tried to do the same thing last year and it failed miserably. Of course he can throw timing routes and hit spots as he is very accurate. But you can't judge him a failure if he played in a new system with a poor coaching staff and had to do things he rarely practiced in college.
  6. Not finding a center in the draft who would be a backup at best is no big deal. There are several free agents out there still available plus all the guys who will get cut between now and the season start. I am excited we finally have drafted a top 5 tight end and got the best running back in the draft. Much bigger news and potential starters versus a rookie depth center.
  7. He seems to be a small Donte Jackson with an attitude. He could play in the slot but seems too short to play against taller receivers on the outside. I like the dog in him but wish it were a pit bull instead of a beagle.
  8. He is on a rookie contract. We are going to keep him if not a starter than as a backup. If he sucks this year we will be picking top 5 and will pick another QB in the first round. You gotta keep taking shots until you find your franchise guy.
  9. Me too. It has been a long time since we had a TE described as athletic with good hands. I don't know how to be. I always wanted us to draft a top 5 TE and we never did. We finally have, so maybe there is a harbinger of positive change and the chance to become relevant again
  10. Sanders is going to be a stud and Young's safety blanket. I can't believe we actually drafted a top 5 TE. It has been since Olsen left since we actually had a legitimate TE.
  11. Would take Sanders or Stover. Both instant starters here.
  12. We wanted him because he was the highest rated RB in the draft. We knew he wouldn't be there at 52 so they moved up to get him. Morgan said it would be BPA and that is what he was. That is how you fill your team with the best athletes. I hear he would be ready to practice in training camp but I am sure they will bring him along carefully.
  13. The fact there are great starters picked in mid rounds every year belies that idea that we have to pick at 33 or risk getting a guy with lesser talent. On the other hand if you don't have good scouting ability it doesn't matter where you draft including number 1 in the draft
  14. Let's see if he get drafted by the NBA. If so he is set. If not then football would be an option. But injuries in basketball seem less severe and careers are longer.
  15. That is Morgan's supposed job. Get Canales and Evero the folks they want while fitting it in the cap.
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