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Judo Thoreau

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Posts posted by Judo Thoreau

  1. 6 minutes ago, rayzor said:

    I never wonder "what if?".

    Too busy dealing with "what is".

    What is the benefit in chasing down that trail? What good does it do anyone except to make yourself more miserable?

    If that’s what it takes for Tepper to realize he’s not omniscient, then by all means let Stroud win 10 Super Bowls and have him send over a commemorative pin after each one. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Guys wanting to get away from Rhule wouldn't exactly be shocking. Players are pretty loyal to Reich though.

    And again, you have to remember that guys who don't fit the new systems aren't gonna be kept.

    I understand new scheme and all, but replacing players who actually contribute with ones who don’t is certainly not better than having a less than ideal system fit. At least keep them around until you’re sure it’s not a massive downgrade.

  3. 1 minute ago, Davidson Deac II said:

    NFC South is the worst division in football for the second year in a row.  

    1-16 seems unlikely considering we still have 4 division games. Would be like losing a coin flip 4 times in a row.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    Remember the first two years Rhule had final say. And again, you have to factor in that this season we transitioned from Rhule and his systems to Reich and his systems which meant some prior players no longer fit what we do (misfits aren't necessarily busts).

    Going back to Russini though, she mentions that ownership is "satisfied with the defense and special teams". They only have issues with the offense. Specifically, Reich's specialty.

    That doesn't sound like it's a roster issue in their minds.

    Russini also adds this:

    I have learned those in power want to start seeing an offense that looks like what Young executed to precision at the University of Alabama, which included bubbles and RPOs, and that leans into his strengths.

    That sounds like someone above the head coach dictating football strategy to the head coach.

    Could mean Tepper. Could also mean Fitterer. But either way, that's not good.

    I think an important common thread between the Rhule offseasons and the one Reich offseason is the inability to replace or retain players who played with heart and inspired the team. 

    Reddick was probably our best defensive player in 2021, but for some reason we move on and he signs with the Eagles for 15m per. Still looking for a legit replacement for that production. Same could be said about Gilmore who was a great vet presence for the DB room and actually wanted to stay here. 

    Trading CMC was probably the right decision and we were lucky to have someone like Foreman on the roster who ran hard and gave us a great identity for the 2nd half of the season. Instead of retaining him for 3-4m, we pay a guy 2x that amount who seemingly doesn’t care & showed up for 1 quarter in half a season. 

    Thielen is a good piece but we really tried to replace Moore’s role with Chark, who isn’t half the player even when healthy, which is a rarity. Replacing team leader types with JAGs has been a constant under Fitterer, I think that may be his worst quality as a roster builder. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Mr. Scot said:

    He may not necessarily have to convince him of anything.

    If it's true that Tepper is the one who was sold on Brtce Young and influenced the decision, who do you think she's going to blame for things going wrong: the GM who was equally sold on him or the guy who was coaching when the problems happened?

    So Tepper would overlook the depletion of talent over the last 3 years just because they agree on the QB choice? I guess it’s not too hard to believe after hearing Tepper’s opinion of Bryce after the draft.

    Bryce doesn’t need receivers who can get open or a line to protect him, just give him a coaching staff that understands how amazing he is and the team is a contender. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Mr. Scot said:

    As to the story, I read the full article. Here's what I got from it:

    Her take seems to focus on Reich as the object of Tepper's concerns. Scott Fitterer is only mentioned as having hired Reich.

    She says in passing there are some who feel the roster isn't right for the offense (it isn't) but seems to feel the roster is solid in other areas.

    She adds that the feeling around the league is it's too early to say anything definitive about Bryce Young.

    If Fitterer somehow convinces Tepper that it’s all Reich’s fault and the roster is fine, he’s either the greatest salesman of all time or Tepper has some kind of weird attachment to him. 

    It’s obvious to anyone paying attention that the roster has no more talent, even less skill than the year before despite having premium draft picks. It’s been like that for multiple offseasons now, but definitely blame Reich and let Fitterer slide. Would be a very Tepper thing to do at this point.


    • Pie 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, Cuttinedge said:

    Somebodies getting the axe and as usual Tepper will probably screw that up also. This offensive scheme couldn’t succeed with prime joe Montana 

    Farewell Chris Tabor. Yeah, you’re probably doing the most for the team of anyone on the staff but it’s all your fault for not strengthening Pineiro’s leg

  8. I think this is the lowest point for me in the team’s history. At least we had some really promising young pieces in 2001, and we knew big leadership changes were coming after the season. In 2010 it was obvious that Fox was gone and we’d get either Luck or Cam in the draft for a fresh start. 

    Right now, the only hope is Bryce becoming good eventually. That’s basically it, Tepper isn’t firing Reich after one season and loves Fitterer because he gets stupid movie references. No real foundational pieces on either side of the ball. No depth anywhere. No 1st round pick. Can’t think of a worse time than the present. 

    • Pie 1
  9. 31 minutes ago, rayzor said:

    So we're at such a low point that we're hoping a professional Pokemon card trader turned con man can help?


    I remember the Panthers signing a chimney sweep to play LS at some point because the motion was pretty much the same. Having been a con man at some point is a good fit for this team because the motion is pretty much the same.

    • Beer 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Varking said:

    From what I understood the Bears were open to Brown, Burns or DJ. DJ was the prize but they would have taken Brown or Burns if the other assets going to them were right. 

    Brown and Burns would’ve been worth more in terms of draft value, but if the Bears wanted the same draft pick compensation for all then it was the right trade numbers wise.

    Everything I’ve seen from Fitterer’s draft day trades leads me to believe that he cares a lot about “winning” on the value chart, so that probably played a big role in the decision. 

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