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Everything posted by adub2b23

  1. If I won, I would have my wife streak the field during halftime and then do one of your huddle kittens photoshoots that I promised before. Unless you'd rather have me.
  2. 1.) I've won every contest I've ever been in 2.) I unified the huddle in ways that would make Dave Dameshek cringe 3.) I plan on being a future huddle kitten
  3. Bonus pic, me, my fiance, and my best man from the Lions game last year. Can't wait to see you guys at one of the tailgates next season!
  4. Update title bump. Thanks everyone! It means a lot to us. We will show support by stopping by one of the next tailgates.
  5. We are idle right now, looking for a chance to take the lead.
  6. I know man, we've told him. He said they were able to prove they had a friend overseas and there's not 100% proof.
  7. Nope, he said there's no way to prove that they are cheating, even though it's so obvious.
  8. Damn we really owe you guys for all the support so far. Would you kindly accept kitten pictures of me instead of my fiance?
  9. You're telling me....they didn't read the fine print. That's so low to cheat on a contest like this, when every other contestant has been promoting and actually working at it.
  10. I think they will absolutely be disqualified. The contest ends Sunday night, so we still have time. Thank you guys for your support!!
  11. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p480x480/10923550_704540416325205_6589366282680854881_n.jpg?oh=c75d8e762fb3ec9677ee427555e4c88f&oe=55588AFB&__gda__=1432100299_21b0a6b1a4aeef39a86e9865a67cba84
  12. The first place team is about 1420 and 400 shares. But, it is very apparent they have been cheating. The next team behind them is us, and then the team behind us is the team you were referring to.
  13. We are in the process of getting the other team dqed. If you look at their likes, almost every other one is a middle eastern person. They either bought likes or did some sketchy vote exchange
  14. I'm pretty sure they are cheating. They have some sketchy comments.
  15. You're all cordially invited. But that doesn't mean I want you at my wedding.
  16. With all due respect, I have been in this thread giving out pie and responding to as many posts as I can. If I wasn't grateful I would have just posted the original post and left. I understand that I have been replying a lot to this thread - I want this so badly for my fiancee because of what she's gone through. With that said, I'm going to back off the updates and let this one ride out. I've gotten more than enough help from everyone here. Thanks again everyone!
  17. I pretty much messaged every single person on my facebook by hand and encouraged them to like/share. Got a pretty successful turnout from that.
  18. Are they liking your post, or actually clicking and liking the picture?
  19. We're still in the lead, but they are closing fast. I think were up by less than 100 now. I saw a comment on their picture about some advertisement for paying for likes, which is sketchy. We can't lose to something like that!! Guys, you can share multiple times! Help us bring this one home.
  20. Charles johnson retweeted my tweet. Pretty cool.
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