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Posts posted by stirs

  1. 2 hours ago, MHS831 said:

    This guy is, in my view, what the Panthers need at TE, and I am guessing he'd be available in Round 2.  He has excellent hands, grabs balls in traffic, very productive.  This would, in my opinion, make the CMC trade one of the best moves we could have made because it added a second rounder.  This TE would make the Panther O better.


    I actually trust your takes on players and teams and logic about 98.54% more than the rest of the Huddle faithful/unfaithful. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, WarPanthers89 said:

    People keep saying this but he seems to be doing just fine production wise in any role that he is used. Remember he did play in a 3-4 Riveras last year, and has been used in a similar type role over the last few seasons. People complain all the time that he drops into coverage too much. He is not a one truck pony which is why he has even more value.

    But he is a liability when playing a 43 DE against a decent run game

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