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Posts posted by jopie87

  1. 1 minute ago, 4Corners said:

    Frank Reich is not a good head coach. This is a pathetic offense from top to bottom. What exactly are they working on in practice and what are the offensive coaches doing to prep for the game? This is like the fourth year in a row where the season is over week 3. 

    Who's the next up and coming offensive genius coach that we will bypass for no damn reason?

    Frank's not going to even make it through the year, looking forward to Mike Martz next year.

     It's tiring. This team is just exhausting to care about.

  2. 2 minutes ago, TheCasillas said:

    Colts probably should start AR for experience purposes.... but Gardner really deserves a shot to lead the colts this year. 

    If they want to win more this year, start Minshew.

    He is better in the "now" term, he just keeps ending up in situations where the QB of the future lands on the teams he is on.

  3. If the NFLPA can't force the issue and make a change happen, then either:

    1. They need to go to fully guaranteed contracts because players are risking a lot more playing on the fake poo

    2. Get new leadership in the NFLPA

    Players don't like turf, fans don't like turf, team owners who (allegedly) keep a pair of brass balls on their desk and have more zeroes in their bank account than a Tony Snell stat sheet love turf. Those dudes can always rely on manipulating whatever markets got them their billions to make back the money it will cost to better protect their teams.

    In any other line of work, if a particular surface was significantly more likely to injure an employee, those surfaces would be replaced. Or, the employer would be neck deep in lawsuits until it was resolved. Right now the NFL is basically putting the players on wet tile floors without having the decency to put up the yellow "slippery" signs.

    It has to stop. Put the players first. Period.

  4. No, but it's really all a matter of perspective and growing up.

    In 1995, I was 8. I wasn't watching football players, I was rooting for Super Heros who wore the best shade of blue on the planet. Wins and losses mattered because I was a kid and every week was a battle between good and evil. Losses felt like the end of the world. Wins meant everything.

    Now, I'm 36, have a wife, three kids, a job, and a mortgage. I'm not watching Super Heros, I'm watching men a decade younger than me playing a game they love in the few years, on average, that they get to do it at a pro level. I want players to succeed because it can/will/should make a huge impact for their families. But it's different.

    When they win, it feels awesome, but a little perspective has dimmed the passion over the years because there is roughly 6,200 things more important in my life than the outcome of a sporting event.

    • Pie 1
  5. 3 hours ago, USDepartmentOfSavagery said:

    A lot of us are tired of reading your conjecture. Having 100,000 post doesn’t mean you’re right about anything. The coaching staff looked like what many of us thought. And Young was disappointing. You can look promising as a rookie QB. Today, he did not. 

    Then ignore and move the F on, problem solved.

  6. 2 minutes ago, FutureDynasty said:

    Bryce Young is not ready to be a starter in the NFL


    His field vision is really bad, I thought that was supposed to be his ELITE trait?

    Why is he the starter if the coaching staff doesn't allow him to stretch the field before desperation mode?

    I honestly think him sitting and watching for the year could be good for him, let's be real this team isn't going anywhere this year.

    If they aren't going anywhere, let the kid learn on the field.

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