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Posts posted by philit99

  1. Great retort by Madhatter..

    Why don't you just admit ..

    "I was stupid for calling a person with 13 catches in a season a "consistent chain mover" because it's obvious with only 13 catches he didn't move many chains"..

    Especially considering some "consistent chain movers" actually make 13 chain moving catches in 1 game..lol


    I'm not debating the fact he had only 13 catches, I'm just wondering how many sets was he used in? How many minutes he averaged at WR a game? What is his potential? I don't expect Greg Jennings to play special teams, either. I'm saying forget special teams, this guy is a possession receiver, who makes the catches we need to get first downs, and extend drives. I think sunshine has value on this team. Especially if he is going into his third year.


    I will say with the extension of Ed Dickson, I wonder how many 3Wide sets we will run anyways. Guys like Bersin are situational players, and as long as the situation is not special teams, I think he adds value to the team.

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  2. Holy poo that was terrible! First time I ever saw it because no joke, I would LITERALLY walk out of the room everytime the other team had to punt to us, Bersin was just that bad. No, im not joking or saying thst just to say it. Literally walked out of the room and everytime like clock work


    To be fair, how many panthers are in that video? How many Cardinals are in that video? Bad decision, but somewhere piss poor blocking. ST takes 11 guys folks, 11 guys.

  3. But there's the second part to what I said. He doesn't offer enough upside or value as a WR to justify a roster spot when he can't even contribute on ST. He had a few catches, but surely we can find someone that can make 20 catches a season that can also contribute on ST. And maybe even do something with the ball after they catch a pass...I'm not mad if we keep him on the team or anything, but I also don't see any legitimate reason to keep him. I'd be thrilled if our WR corps is upgraded through the draft to look like:


    Jaelen Strong (or some other WR in the 1st)

    Justin Hardy (or another speedy guy, or guy with great hands like Hardy's that has actual upside in the 3rd or 4th)




    We're not carrying more than 6 WRs, probably. And if we only draft 1 WR this year, I could see us rolling with only 5 WRs on the roster with Webb or that App State kid as the WR/backup QB that's deactivated every game.

    20 catches for how many first downs? He was clutch.
    • Pie 1
  4. I personally thought sunshine played well this year. He had the most reliable hands of any of our receivers (maybe including Olsen), Someone will have stats and correct me if I am wrong. He does not have tremendous speed, will not play special teams, however I can see him as a prohel prototype player. If we run 3wide he could be a great slot receiver, I have also seen him work in the middle. I like his size, but especially his hands. He belongs on this roster for sure, as he develops his technique he will get better. Prohel wasn't the greatest speed machine in the game, however he became a slot monster. I can see bersin in that role and wish sunshine the best of luck!

    • Pie 2
  5. It might not be the Vet Minimum that gets him to sign.. And Voth's article is saying that Greg may be willing to play for below market Value to stay here and prove himself to Jerry and the team. I agree he should take tge money and run.. But what we thought about Greg wanting money instead of being here might be wrong. .

    I actually think Greg knows he is more successful here than going to a different team that may not compete. He will get his money, but maybe he seeks a ring first. I found my pills, so no more thinking the NFL would do the right thing if there is no evidence that Hardy was innocent all along. Which is why they WILL find something on Hardy, that's my whole point.
  6. What is the point of taking last year's money back?

    He didnt choose to not play football, and it doesnt benefit us in any way other than give ole Jerry some extra gas money.

    For a guy who is indisputably legally innocent, there sure seem to be a lot of stipulations for him to "prove" himself or whatever.

    I don't mean give good ole JR money back, I mean rollover 12.2mm to this years Cap space. I know I'm delusional! It just seemed, I don't know, fuging fair. We were stripped of our franchised player for the sake of TMZ, and media outlets. The man never admitted guilt, fought for his reputation and lost a season and value. The league saving its image to the detriment of one of its members. Hum I guess I am delusional. Ethical but delusional, now where did I but my Zoloft and Xanaxs?
  7. Hardy's definitely a difference maker, but I think we can win a championship without him. Earlier in the year, we missed his presence, but we straightened it out as the season progressed. Our biggest problems were on the offensive line, the lack of speed at the receiver position, and Charles Godfrey. We corrected the Godfrey at nickel problem, now all we need is a speedy receiver and a good LT.

    Besides if we did bring Hardy back, it will mostly be a one year deal, and he will miss more than half of it sitting on his couch at home.

    We straightened it out by getting better coverage in the secondary by the young guys stepping up and providing speed. We had very little pocket pressure in that Seattle game. Eventually receivers get open, we need the pass rush to return if we want to remain a force in the NFL. I think if our secondary can remain the level it provided at the end of the season, plus the pass rush we could be one of the best defenses this league has seen in the last 10 years. However, teams now have an offseason to study that young secondary so the need for pressure remains a point of focus for us in the offseason. Keep Hardy for two year vet minimum deal, find a legitimate LT and OT depth, and for Gods sake a Real WR2. Find value in the special teams department particularly Kick returner, and we could be one of the top 5 teams in the league. I do worry about our secondary next year, as the teams evaluate and study their techniques and tendencies.
  8. Just let the guy go. We have to pay Cam his money, Luke his, and Norman his. Not to mention we need to bring in a good LT in free agency. Those guys don't come cheap. Kony Ealy looks to be well on his way in becoming a good, if not great DE. We still got CJ aka Big Money with us, and he is not as old as most think.

    Agreed, however I would think Richardson would love a Lombardi trophy before his eventual passing. I think we are extremely close, and close enough that two or three players could make the difference, and Hardy is one of those players. At some point time will run out for JR and he knows it. Why else would he tether the panthers to Charlotte?
  9. I can see him playing for a 1yr cheap deal to make up for last year. He's been in the league for what, 4 years and has only one suspension? One that wasn't even just?(if he pleaded guilty he would've been gone 6-8 games I think). I'm all for hardy being back

    That may be the reason he fought for his innocence so he could remain a panther. If found not guilty.
  10. Yes. Bc Goodell thinks he is a dictator like Kim Jung

    They will find anything to tarnish Hardy for the good of the League. The NFL is trying to save face, and look ethical about all players involved in last seasons fiasco. This is about saving the NFL image, nothing more. I think the league owes about 12.2M dollars of Cap space to the Panthers, if no evidence is found against Hardy.
    • Pie 2
  11. That is the trial we are all talking about.

    Yes I know that, the article states exactly that, my question is what documents and evidence from the prosecution will be available to the NFL. They were supposed to be sealed by the court correct? The information given at the time was that she was not even checked at the scene, she was checked out the following day! That's crazy.
    • Pie 1
  12. Said this in another thread, but it's unlikely that the NFL will get to see the transcripts.

    The defense attorney had the transcripts paid for and are his work product. Hardy, as a client, has the right to obtain a lot of his file, but the transcripts would not be included. The NFL can only control Hardy, and Hardy doesn't have the documents.

    True, however the NFL will target his original trial on July 15th of last year. Make no mistake the NFL will dot their i's and cross their t's on this one.
  13. Chances are no team. Especially If Goodell keeps Hardy on the commish list, while the nfl does a very slow, very long, investigation.

    That would be even better, then 31 other teams competing for his services during training camp, or first to mid season next year, for league minimum!
  14. Surprise, did not see that one coming! So with the news about the Panther players working hard to keep Hardy here, here is yet another twist to this soap opera. Wish we could keep him, however the length of time this investigation may take will most likely exceed Free Agency action starting March 10th. This story keeps getting worse by the hour.


  15. Fox 8 in Greensboro reported that hardy is ready to play, and has been working out. The Panthers and Hardy are awaiting the NFLs solution. He could play soon. Source myfox8 wghp. Of course this does not include the inside sources that state we have seen the last of Hardy.

    To the Kraken and all young single male athletes, the world is full of Delilah's, keep your hair young Hardy.

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