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Posts posted by philit99

  1. 15 hours ago, Rocky Davis said:

    Pesce has the flu/covid.

    Svech's ribs/sternum and shoulder are all being looked at due to ongoing pain.  (Not great to hear)

    After the MRI, the team stated that Svech will be out for an external period of time. Think at least a month or longer.

    • Beer 2
  2. Unless you have inside sources, this is speculation at its finest. However, I have heard from legit sources, that there will be north of 10 job openings this year. Let that sink in, 10. So in that regard, Moore could be a possibility as we will have to compete with a lot of teams for good candidates this time around. It is the main reason I am glad we let Reich go so early, it lets us get started earlier. I would take Dan Quinn over Moore, and Johnson and Johnson. At least we would have a coach with experience. I can’t seem to shake Belichick, that feels like the Tepper hire.

  3. 1 minute ago, mc52beast said:

    Why would you want Bill? He has done zip since Tom left which tells me it was more about Tom than Bill being the GOAT. I don’t think Harbaugh would mix well with Tepper, not really a yes man and there’s no way in hell Wilks would work for Tepper again.

    To sell tickets, period. Tepper needs a Harbaugh, so he can learn from him. I agree on Wilks that ship sailed.

  4. Just now, mrcompletely11 said:

    except he isnt, he is small, not athletic, weak arm and shitty mechanics.  Tell me again what are his traits that made him #1?

    I think it is unfair to truly grade him due to this line, and these formations and calls. Frank calling plays, relinquishing calling plays, then forcing it back is ridiculous. There is no continuity with this staff, and it starts with Frank. You hire a OC, let him do his job. Young is just as talented as Stroud, but you see the difference in coaching and calls. The coach should ease him info the system, not force a QB into his playbook. Roll outs, screens, draws, 3 step drop plays, that’s how you ease a QB in, not pistol and shotgun, then react. Great coaches mold their playbook to talent, not force the player into schemes.

    • Pie 1
  5. Look Bryce is talented, he really is. However, it is probably detrimental to his development to let him continue to play. Let’s let Dalton finish this season off, as we will be shopping everyone’s practice squad this week and probably the remainder of the season, for more Oline men.

  6. 18 minutes ago, recceice said:

    I don’t know what you call at that point..

    No oline, Wr not good , can’t run the ball,..

    This team sucks plain and simple.. This is a worst offense group then 2010..

    I would call 11 or 10 personnel (probably 11 since the guards are struggling) and run a rub, quick slant, slant arrow, double slant, or dragon. The QB was in pistol and would not move, just throw as soon as the ball is snapped, which will beat any rush. This is why I have issues with Frank and his play calling. It’s pistol or shotgun every play, and I’ll be happy if I don’t see the “trips” bunch formation for a game or two.

    • Pie 1
  7. 1 minute ago, recceice said:

    Dam do you not realize we can’t block a pop waner defense right now.. Even on good blocks they are calling holding all day.. 

    What kind of offense can you have with no Oline??

    The game is over on anything but the ball being thrown past the first down marker. Throwing the ball 4 yards behind the line of scrimmage means the player must go 10 yard to get a first down. It was never going to happen. Last play of the game, I would have told my guys to hold if you have to, I would have called a quick slant, or a TE pick.

  8. Just now, Mr. Scot said:

    I could have potentially seen a middle screen given that they were coming with a hard blitz but I can't be certain it would have worked any better.

    Yeah, we needed 6 yards. Throw the ball at least 6 yards forward. Games over even if it is intercepted, but at least give your team a chance. That screen had no chance.

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