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Posts posted by CarolinaNCSU

  1. The TD pass to CMC was some of the best touch I've ever seen Cam put on a ball. I honestly don't know if old Cam makes that play except in 2015 when he was feeling it.  Really don't understand why he never tried to go "deep" at all outside of that one pass unless the play calls we gave him didn't allow it. 

    • Beer 1
  2. That's my QB.gif

    What a surreal day.  From thinking I'd never see Cam play again, to him playing HERE, to him leading the damn team as the "backup" QB.  From the time Cam first came in to when he scored and yelled "I'm BACCCCCKKKKK"...whew.  What a fuging moment.  PJ played well today and deserves credit, but you can't tell me we win this game without Cam coming back and bringing this energy.  For players & fans alike.  Nobody knows how this season ends from here on out, but we're about to have fun for the first time in years boys and girls. 

    • Pie 3
  3. I think Cam adds 1-2 wins as long as he's steady.  As romanticized as we all want to make this reunion, he's not coming back as a top QB. We'll continue to compete for the 7th playoff spot with the rest of the middling NFC teams being average to awful. 

    Expectations for the future are now just hoping that Cam comes in, is steady, is our vet option heading into next year while a rookie learns behind him. Cam returns home for some fun, to close some doors the right way, and go out on his own terms before handing the reins over in a year or two. 

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  4. The rational side of me knows this isn't going to work from a football perspective. But today, I don't give a damn. 

    This franchise owed Cam better. If nothing else, hopefully we just got rid of some bad juju and gained some karma back. I'm happy for the first time in years with this team. It's a fine football move that probably doesn't mean much at the end of the day, but it's also about time we make a "good" decision and treat the most important player in our team's history with some respect. After watching years of bad decisions and boring & hapless football...the fans get a win. 

    • Pie 2
  5. Just now, App Panther said:

    It's not 2015. It's a PR move to invoke images from that year in our pea size brains.

    Agreed, and I'm 1,000% fine with it right now. I've had to watch garbage QBs for years now that fans had 0 attachment to.  At least give me happy thoughts and memories to make me tune in.

    We're planning on losing anyway...so to me, what's the downside? Losing with Cam is more fun than losing with PJ.  And if he were to win? Whew. 

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