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Posts posted by Montsta

  1. 31 minutes ago, fenderbender123 said:

    I was legit giving this board props. I love smack talk. It's way more fun to read than those "Hey,your team is great, but so is ours. One of them will win, but let's just hope there's no injuries" topics that are too frequently featured as the only means of opposing fan discussion on many NFL message boards (I've visited most of them).


    But don't mind me, because as another poster mentioned...

    ...I'm just a fan that jumped on the Seahawks bandwagon right after our incredibly successful 7-9 season. Everyone knows that you aren't truly a fan of your team until you register a user name on one of their message boards.


    It's science. 

    • Pie 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Beast Mode said:

    "Anyways, white is the traditional playoff color for Carolina and was worn on some of their most impressive playoff wins. But I don't expect newcomers to the NFL to know that. "

    I'll be the first to admit the insurgence of "12's" is very annoying (sidenote I hate that term as a whole, but thats another thread for another day) .. but this is kind of ridiculous.  lol.  I'm a pretty knowledgeable NFL fan and I had no idea the Panthers had a traditional playoff color.. further, weren't most of your bigger playoff wins on the road?  The magazine cover shows the NFC CG where you beat the Eagles in Philly.. of course they'd be in white.  

    Saying "lol they don't know our unis are white in the playoffs!" is akin to me going "Russell Wilson hasn't lost by more than 10 points in his career" .. its a fun stat thats 1) meaningless to the game and 2) only really talked about by that fan base. 

    The Greg Hardy thing though... man... not a good look.  There was another poster that asked what needed to happen for the Seahawks to host a home playoff game as the 6 seed too.  That one was also fun. 

    Our team wears whites at the weirdest times. I honestly don't know the rhyme or reason. They say earlier in the year it's because of the heat and humidity, but I don't know why they'd do it in January. 

    • Pie 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, SeahawksChamps2016 said:

    If we are going to argue about hawks schedule. why not bring up carolinas. you guys had an even easier schedule than ours . You played the saints twice, the titans , the jags, bucs and falcons. But i wont take away any credit.

    I'm not arguing about the Panthers schedule. That's a separate debate. 

    You said your defense is better than the one Carolina faced earlier this year and cited how good you have been lately. 

    CRA then stated that since us you have faced us, you've faced most of the worst offenses in the league, thus skewing how good your vaunted defense might be perceived to be, while the only "good" offenses you've played since us, all scored 30+ on you. 

    Thats what we are discussing. Changing the subject to Carolina's perceived weak schedule has nothing to do with what you and CRA are talking about. 

    • Pie 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, SeahawksChamps2016 said:

    AZ didnt mail it in. Players begged not to be benched and they werent. Bruce arians was also raging on the sidelines, thats not mailing it in. We whooped them in their own stadium like we last year.

    And your thoughts on the other six games he mentioned?

  5. Just now, DabDeezNuts224 said:

    you make one typo here and they run with it. It's kind of childish

    Plenty of people here would love to talk football. Don't get to caught up on the ones that turn every thread into a dick measuring contest. I've been on .NET enough to know your fan base has PLENTY of sensitive little ninnies as well. So don't generalize this one by people who aren't exactly the cream of the crop of posters here. 

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