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Posts posted by pantherj

  1. Young is the game manager type who needs an awesome team around him to have a good season imo. We don’t have that obviously. We’re rebuilding, so my expectations are through the floor. I’m not that excited for this season, but I’ll still watch all the games and come in here and complain.

    • Pie 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Agreed. I'm just saying that I have no statistical yardsticks I'm putting up. I don't really care what the stats and wins say. I care about what he LOOKS like. Even if we suck and the stats don't look great I want to see him making the lost of what's out there. Last year the offense overall sucked but it also very much felt like Bryce was a big part of the suck. There weren't many plays where you felt like "oh thank God we had Bryce Young at QB there to make chicken salad out of chicken poo". We saw that a handful of times all last year maybe. With a promising rookie QB in a bad situation you're going to see that a handful of times every week. You can get a game's worth of highlights out of Bryce's entire rookie season.

    There is definitely a feeling that I'm looking to have with Young. A good QB has a vibe that isn't related to stats. You start to feel like "if we add this piece here, or that piece there, we'll have something." Last season the feeling was we needed a brick wall o-line and prime Magetron and Smitty to do something. Yeah I'm not even going to look at stats. 

  3. Just now, LinvilleGorge said:

    Pretty much. I'm basically treating Bryce as a rookie again this coming season in that I have no stats expectations, no wins expectations, I'm just looking for him to pass the eye test. Just show me that you have the talent to be a legit NFL QB.

    We all know the NFL is set up to make it easy to pass the ball and score TDs. This season is make or break for Young imo. We need to be moving the ball through the air and score passing TDs and having fun. If it feels like a miracle to complete a medium to deep pass, or a passing TD, then your QB is not good. He has this season, and then we need to look for a QB in the 2025 draft if he poops the bed like Amber Heard. This is it.

    • Pie 2
  4. Anyone could clearly see right out of the gate that our offensive play calling was horrendous. Anyone. The fan base was expecting secret plays that we were holing back during preseason to catch the opposition by surprise. That didn't happen. We got old recycled plays from the early 2000's that were embarrassing and didn't even come close to working. Then to make matters worse, we KEPT calling the plays that didn't work and looked awful OVER AND OVER again for weeks. Team after team knew what was coming, and what was coming was idiotic. The quadruple deep hook route was the worst of it because it led to a sack of bad pass 100% of the time. We were not call plays to set up the defense, but rather we were calling plays in a vacuum as though the previous failed plays didn't happen. Didn't matter what the opposing defense was doing, we just kept calling mediocre 00's plays that no one else was running. No one got open. Then, like a blind squirrel finding a nut, a play would work by accident, and Young would throw a turkey to nowhere, or not even notice guys were open. Young was a nightmare. Weak, confused, and rolling out the right to throw a turkey to the sidelines or nowhere. Over and over and over again. Opposing safeties were confusing Young with motion and by baiting him, but the worst part was his noodle arm. Overcranking deep passes to mars that would have been TDs with a better QB was soul stealing to see.

    What now? We're just trying to not have a disastrous 24' season. Just hope for improvement from Young, and good play calling. Maybe we can get 4 or 5 wins. Keep your expectations low, and if Young becomes a star you can be thrilled. The odds are low.    

    • Pie 4
  5. I always just go back to what I said at the time. Trade Burns to the Rams because it's a fantastic deal. I was screaming it. I'm still angry at Fitt over that. Right after he turned down the deal I said he needed to get into a time machine and go back and make the deal. Hate that dude. Ruined our team.

    Trading D.J was a major mistake because what matters most in the NFL is the passing game, so you never unload a proven #1 WR when there are other options. Always trade a defensive player over a WR if you have that option available.

    Fitt was precious about defensive players when we had a passing offense that didn't function. That's how know he was completely incompetent. The passing offense is the top priority, so until that is functioning all defensive players are possible trade fodder.

    At this point we're in a rebuilding year under a new GM and a QB who looks absolutely horrendous. It makes perfect sense, if you follow all of our moves, that we would be the worst team in the NFL. Of course we are. You can't screw up as a GM that many times over the years and not ruin the franchise. We're exactly where we should be, dead last, or bottom 3. Whichever you like.

    But this is the here and now. Dan did a good job getting our 2nd round pick back, and we won't know about the picks until they take the field in regular season games. We're in dark until then, but if they suck the Panthers media will hide it shamelessly. Remember when Young was supposed to be a football genius? Yeah he was rancid turds out there when live fire started.

    There is some hope. Either Young improves and we win more games, or he stays about the same and we draft a new QB in 2025. Either way the NFL will help us out of this jam, but all we need is for Dan not to screw it up. 

  6. At the time I was screaming for us to take the Rams Burns deal. Amazingly at the time many huddlers were disagreeing with me and saying that we might not be able to replace Burns in the draft. They've stopped saying that nonsense. Very quiet now.

    I'll never really stop being bitter about how much Fitt ruined this team. We're years from recovery.

    Thank you so much Rams for that deal, and well done Dan. The draft was meh, but getting that second rounder back was a home run.

  7. I expected the Panthers to take WR Adonai Mitchell with the 32nd pick. If Mitchell is there at the 39th pick and we don't take him I'll be really disappointed.

    If Mitchell is gone by 39, then Kool-AidMcKinstry would be my pick.

    I have a feeling one of these players will be available and I'd be happy with either one.



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