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Everything posted by Crixtala

  1. yeah, my wife has those, so they're on my list of things to read
  2. honeslty, i'm just looking for something that i can pick up in a boxed set because i'm a cheap bastard and want something that will take me some time to get through
  3. i'm assuming you've read everything that's come out to this point... is there at least an ending in sight? i know there's only one more (at least, supposedly) to be released...
  4. yeah, i've read all of the mixed reviews on here i can actually deal with all the drawn out, over detailed stuff... as long as it's heading somewhere
  5. WWZ was awesome, can't wait for the movie i finally picked up ADWD... glad to finally have my favorite characters back but once i'm done, i'm not sure where i'm going to go next... started two books before breaking down and buying ADWD and just couldn't get into them. GRRM has ruined reading for me which would you choose? the wheel of time or the sword of truth?
  6. so, i'm here now... i read how this book was written, scrapped, re-written, split up, yadda yadda yadda... but i seriously have no interesting characters left in this book. i'm about 250 pages in and this one's just not nagging at me to be read like the previous three. somebody please tell me it's worth soldiering on.
  7. you weren't kidding... all kinds of poo just went down
  8. good to know i saw a lot of people saying it started slow, but I didn't mind. just a lot of character/detail building
  9. started reading game of thrones the other day because of this thread... about 450 pages in now and it's pretty fantastic. i read anything and everything, but haven't read a lot of fantasy stuff, so this is a nice change of pace
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