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About jasonluckydog

  • Birthday 04/21/1975

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  1. First I like to thank my momma and sweet little baby Jesus. Secondly this ain't possible without the hardwork of our owner David Tepper and his beughtiful wife whats her name. 4thly I want to thank all people who made the decision to draft a 5 foot 4 QB after I was screaming right here on this MB not 2. Lastly this reconightion would not be appropriate if I didn't mention all the MODS on here who have gave several warnings for me to STFU. Thank you and God bless America.
  2. Not going this year. Oh and fugk Clempson stadium. We should all boycott no one show.
  3. Zod lost his wife and son in the battle of Kandor. If that event didn't happen Zod would be a pretty cool dude.
  4. I would give them next years 4th and 2026 a 6th round pick for him.
  5. I raised 4 boys with my 2000 Chrysler Town and Country. I'm now driving my grandkids in that same Chrysler. I have been in 4 accidents none my fault and no serious injuries. The last wreck they totalled it but I bought it back it only had minor damage but due to the age it was cheaper to total it. I will drive this van until it won't drive anymore. I love my van.
  6. Cool jacket but my tan members only jacket is much cooler.
  7. Everybody wants to light up a soccer stadium. However, this is only possible using a soccer match
  8. You guys are always being meanies to my Uncle Tepper. Uncle Tepper only loves you guys yet you beat him like the Roman's did to Jesus. Shame on you.
  9. Don't worry guys Uncle Tepper will be number 1 one day.
  10. I was in England on the 4th and these people don't even celebrate 4th of July. Not one fireworks stand around. It doesn't make any sense. I thought the whole world celebrated Independence Day.
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