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Captain Morgan

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Posts posted by Captain Morgan

  1. I think our FO leaked it

    I'm saying if we didn't want it leaked....and have spoken with one guy and HE leaked it....that would take him out of consideration bc it would highly piss off our FO. But I think our FO leaked it






    hmmmmm.  these are troubling times in the kingdom

  2. It could imply that the candidate that has been reached out to is Lovie Smith, who is not currently employed in the NFL. I don't think any restrictions would stop us from letting him know that we are interested.


    I feel like this story has some merit, but it also has to do with making sure Rivera knows there is a fire burning red hot under his ass, and just because he beat a lowly Giants' team doesn't mean that his job is 100% safe.






    could be someone in college.  

  3. I don't buy that...

    All I buy is Richardson forced RR/Cam on him for one year.....and then he can move in his own direction. Why his real investment was on a DG defense.

    DG IMO could have helped RR by fixing some glaring issue on his OL. Had the ability to upgrade and didn't.




    you think Getty didn't want this leaked?

  4. RR knows it is playoffs or bust. Doesn't need his seat hotter.

    IMO, this is a FO showing lack of faith in everyone when our season is very much still alive

    In all honesty, RR is gone even with a playoff appearance. Would have to win in the postseason likely




    I agree.  He knows every game counts as a must win....I don't think anything could motivate him further from what he already knows.


    If it was a legit leak, it was for the players sake.

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