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Posts posted by iamhubby1

  1. 1 minute ago, kungfoodude said:

    I believe we have reached the pinnacle of irony with that response. Bravo, sir.

    Great Gatsby Movie GIF by Sony


    I do my darndest not to insult people. It's SOP for you.


    In another thread. You just insulted most of the fan base because they don't fan correctly according to you. How dare they get excited over draft picks outside the 3rd round. 


    Look in the mirror. 


    Now get in the last word. And I promise never to engage with you again.

  2. 5 hours ago, kungfoodude said:

    People don't read anymore, they just react, bitch and moan. 

    It's a product of a larger problem with society. They see a headline, get outraged and start spouting whatever preconceived bias they have about the subject without even opening the articles or attempting to understand it.

    We have been reduced to being a society of perpetual outrage. It's extremely annoying. Critical thinking is almost extinct. 


    So, you insult a large portion of the human race. Because? They annoy you. 


    Got it.

  3. 55 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    He isn't really even a super athlete he is just so freakishly strong.


    I don't mean to start anything. But after a quick interwebz search. The first thing that came up under strengths. 

    • Elite combination of size, strength and big-man athleticism

    I know it aligns with my slant as to athleticism. But it also says strength so you were right too.

    If Daquan has his normal type year. The DT position is well stacked.

    Someone posted a gif of him on the basketball court. I was actually going off that originally.

  4. 40 minutes ago, frankw said:

    If you truly don't believe Darnold has any chance to be an adequate starter it might be best to just disconnect. Why invest time and energy blasting the guy now? We are already past that stage. Most people got that out of their system weeks ago. We'll know plenty in the fall so don't waste your summer being miserable.


    Well said.


    Oh, and don't tell me what to do. 

  5. Just now, KB_fan said:

    And also to build up your Rolodex of emergency contacts if guys you might add if God forbud you have an injury crisis at a certain position and burn through your depth. (Was it 2013 or 2014 where for like 5 weeks  we were bringing in RBs off the street on a Monday who would start the following Sunday. That was a wild time!)


    I hadn't thought about that angle. But yeah, that is an important aspect for this. Nice catch.


    And Nick Goings took advantage of the opportunity to etch his name in Panther lore. For a brief moment anyway. But that was a different time.

    • Pie 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, KB_fan said:

    I'm not sure if there are still Covid protocols in place that limit try outs. That could also be a reason why they have to churn a bit more than might seem normal just to give guys they're considering a look.


    Pretty sure that NFL clubs can operate at full go, as long as everyone is vaccinated. 


    Not to sure about how tryouts would fit into that.

  7. 14 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    You like this tactic but it ultimately makes me believe you are a teenager. 


    Well darn, I guess I need to look in the mirror. Huh?


     What are you, Mr White Knight? Riding to the rescue of the little guy. Admirable.


    All seriousness aside. When you say "Don't get emotional" at the end of your posts. Is that not the same? Of course not. It's just you being you.


    Or you calling me a teenager. Is that not the same thing?  Now get the last word in so we can put this to rest.

  8. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Yeah, you're still going down the same rabbit hole you started down after misunderstanding my initial point.

    But hey man, I hope you have a good weekend. Taking a look at your posts today you're clearly not having a good day. Sincerely.


    I think it is cute you think you have a thought that could go over my head. lol


    I've read you for years. There was a reason I never conversed with you. Now I remember why.


    Good weekend to you as well. 


    Now get the last word in so you can feel better.

  9. 22 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    Gross is definitely not undervalued by our fans because that position had been such a dumpster fire since he left. In a large part it aided in losing our franchise QB to injuries.

    I would say Gross was undervalued by the rest of the NFL fans, though. 


    There are a couple of folks in this thread that would argue that thought.


    And almost 100% of other NFL fans have no clue who Jordan even is.

  10. 18 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    So you're still down the semantics road of what qualifies as an "all-time great" while not moving the goal posts?

    Okay, cool.


    So I'm consistent, all while not moving the goal-posts? Man, I'm better than I thought I was. You could almost say I'm one of the all time greats.


    I mean, is there anyone in the whole Panther Org. that you have'nt dissed on? Heaven forbid someone thinks Jordan is one of the all time best LTs. For shame, for shame.


    It's okay. You like to dis on the Panthers. Have at it. You so seem to enjoy it. I'm out.

  11. 2 minutes ago, SizzleBuzz said:



    I was simply inquiring about CP's statement on the "twitter feed/not a fan of Darnold", etc...

    ...don't blame it on me.



    Yeah, sorry. I also asked him to clarify. He did not. Evidently  that is not one of his strong suits. 

    • Beer 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Good grief, man. I don't know if you're extra salty today or if you're just not that bright but while you're accusing others of moving goal posts, you're the one with a goal post slung over your shoulder there with your qualifications of "all-time great". Gross is not an NFL all-time great. He IS a Panthers all-time great. Those two are not one in the same. Gross is so very fondly remembered by Panthers fans in large part due to the fact that for most of our history outside of the Gross era we have struggled (sometimes mightily) at LT. Which was my entire fuging point when responding to someone inquiring why some people remember a guy like Gamble so fondly then complain about a guy like Brown being "disappointing" as a rookie. Team history at positions play a big role in how a fanbase views players. Then you got butthurt because you misunderstood what I was trying to say and after clarification you decided to try to go down a semantics rabbit hole while accusing me of being the one "moving the goal posts".



    You can water it down all you wish. The fact is, Gross was one of the best LT of his era. IF that is true, which it is. Then it is also true that he is one of the best LT of all time. 


    He does not have to be a HOFer to be one of the best. But I guess for you, not being a HOFer is why you refuse to give him credit.


     Just another example of you dissing on a Panther.


    You just continue being you. The high and mighty you. And the rest of us will try and keep up. Mkay?

  13. 4 minutes ago, PootieNunu said:

    We did draft his replacement, we have much greater needs than extending Robby. He was probably looking for an extension this off-season and did not get it. Instead we drafted a WR that will more than likely take his place next season. 

    IDK for sure, but that is what it seems like. 


    We drafted an athletic freak at WR. Not so sure he is a Robbie replacement. Brady often uses 3, 4, and even 5 WR sets. We are going to need Robbie to be successful at it.


    No one got an extension this off season. Not sure why that makes Robbie expendable.


    The wife would make a great Huddler. She too thinks just because she can think, it must be true.

    • Flames 1
  14. Just now, CPsinceDay1 said:

    Yeah, there's familiarity that's why Robby doesn't want to go down that road again.

    As far as chemistry, Robbie been said Darnold miss plenty opportunities to hit him when he was open but they just couldn't connect. He even stated his best chemistry came when Josh Mccrown was the QB.


    Link, or you made this up.


    And damm man. Pick a spelling, or call him RA. 

  15. Why do folks keep pushing this "Robbie is gone" narrative?


    "We drafted his replacement" or "He is on the last year of his contract, he is gone" or "He is holding out" or my favorite "He doesn't want to be here because of Sam"


    And now, thanks to @SizzleBuzzwe have. "Does Robbie have a beef with Sam".


    You guys are the greatest. Maybe not HOF worthy, but right up there.

    • Pie 1
  16. 47 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    How was what he said wrong? There is zero question he was the best LT the Panthers have ever fielded. There is zero question Gross was a top 10 LT in the NFL for the bulk of his career. But he also isn't a HOF LT either.

    We love him because he is OUR great player. That doesn't necessarily mean that the rest of the league sees him that way. 

    Another good example of that is Steve Smith. He is my all-time favorite Panther. IMO, he's a first ballot HOFer because he was the best pound for pound WR I have ever seen. But, he may not end up as a first ballot HOF guy because a lot of people don't consider him HOF caliber. I disagree but that's because I am inherently biased about it.


    No one is saying Gross is a HOFer. We ARE saying that he is criminally undervalued by far too many people. Out of the thousands of LTs that have played. Jordan is near the top of that list. That does make you one of the all time best.


    Also, there is plenty of attention given to Smitty. He is much more than just a Panther icon.

  17. 1 hour ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Saying Gross isn't an all-time great along the lines of a Jonathan Ogden isn't disrespect. It's reality. He's the Panthers' all-time great. That doesn't make him an NFL all-time great. My point was our views of certain players as a fanbase are heavily influenced by our history as a franchise at that particular position.

    This isn't difficult to comprehend. 


    During his career, Gross was one of the best LT in the game. Which does make him better than most of his contemporaries. Which does give him a place on the all time LT list.


    Just because you think EVERYONE, but you, in our fanbase cannot judge talent, does not make your take Gospel.


    Folks know Gross was one of the best. It has nothing to do with how other Panther LT measure up.


    Now move those goal posts some more. You are one of the all time greats at that maneuver.


  18. 10 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Wow. This is officially THE most ironic post in the history of the internet. The guy who literally only posts to poo on another poster who is willing to actually offer an opinion  typed this and hit "Submit Reply". Incredible lack of self awareness.


    Kettle, meet the pot

  19. 5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    What I said went over your head. Calm down and re-read.


    Yeah, you are the smartest one in the room. I forgot about that.


    1st you state, "Gross was very good and more importantly he was consistently good for a long time," Praise.


    Then you state, "but he's not the all time great LT that we remember him to be he just is in comparison to everyoje else we've fielded." Disrespect.


    YOU may under appreciate his career. There are a lot of folks that do not.


    Like I said. Is their any Panther you won't dis on?

  20. 1 minute ago, DJ feed me moore said:

    Think the point is while gross was a great player he wasn't a hall of fame LT, but around here he gets remembered as one.


    I think the point is, Gross was one of the best LT in the game for almost a decade. Not making the HOF does not diminish his productivity. 


    There are more than a few Panthers that have had good to great careers. Not making the HOF does not diminish their accomplishments either.


    Ah the Panther fan. The only fans in the league that disrespect their own players careers.





  21. 5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Gross was very good and more importantly he was consistently good for a long time, but he's not the all time great LT that we remember him to be he just is in comparison to everyoje else we've fielded.



    My God dude. Is there any Panther player you are not willing to dis on? Player, FO, Support staff. Is there anyone you like?


    Gross was an all time great Panther. And one of the best LT in the league for nearly a decade.


    Is this another one of your posts where you are trolling us. Get over it, we didn't draft Fields. Move on dude.

    • Pie 2
    • Beer 1
  22. 6 minutes ago, PandaMan said:

    Are we watching the same player?  I haven’t seen anyone disagree either, except for you I guess.  Just because someone doesn’t actively say “yes you are right” doesn’t mean no one agrees.    I’ve seen Igo say he plays soft and someone on another thread just today.  

    The one specific play that comes to mind was 3rd down, and he got the ball and essentially crumpled as he got hit right before he got to the first down marker.  Full momentum, only a couple yards away, then boom.  He’s down.  I’m gonna try and find it, but frankly it’s hard to find videos of people failing to get a first down.

    Show me just five plays of him actively breaking tackles and making something happen in the open field, and I’ll send you a $20 gift card to a place of your choice 


    Soo,,,You make a statement. I say show me evidence. And you want me to do the research? Not how the game is played.


    You have one play. Not sure that is definitive proof. But hey, it's your story.

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