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Posts posted by iamhubby1

  1. On 5/12/2021 at 9:46 PM, kungfoodude said:

    I did want Fields or Slater instead of Horn. And, in hindsight, I do think Horn is the safest pick of the three. But LT and QB are higher value positions that we also really had a great need for. I hope that we chose the right horse in that race. It will hurt if we didn't. Sewell going one before us was soul crushing. So close.

    I have to believe since we have gone through multiple staffs and not moved Moton over, he just isn't the guy at LT.

    I honestly think we won't have a guy that starts more than 8 games at LT. It will be shuffling around to see what works, IMO.

    100% okay of any of the guys we are going to attempt prove me wrong. It's a lot easier to discover your coaches/front office are geniuses than find out they are fools.


    I am of the opinion that in today's NFL, the RT is damm near as important as the LT. Guys on the Dline move around a lot nowadays. So if you have a talented LT, they just slide on over to attack the RT. 


    Also, most teams are right handed. So having a solid right side is really ideal.


    Or...they just don't like him on the left side.


    On 5/13/2021 at 3:11 AM, OldhamA said:

    For some reason that's made me think of "Shuffle off to Buffalo, Barry", which is from one of the all-time great shows, Burn Notice. 


    That's going to be my go to for every Panther than ends up with the Bills from now on. 


    Beer for the "Burn Notice" reference. Love that show.

    • Beer 1
  2. 1 minute ago, glenwo2 said:

    Well I don't personally like Winston's chances.   He never really impressed me much.

    Sam, on the other hand, has that "It" factor.

    All he needs is a supporting cast(which he now has) to use it.


    When Winston came out, he scared me. But every year that fear has subsided just a little bit more. Now? He still scares me, because you never know what you will get. 


    Now Sam? He scares me as well. Had a roller coaster career at USC, but showed enough talent to get picked at #3. Had an up and down career at NY, but showed enough talent for us to give him a shot.



    It's like Good Jake, we could compete with anybody. Bad Jake? Well, let's not go there.

    • Pie 2
  3. 1 minute ago, glenwo2 said:


    Exactly.  And Sam has to realize that this is it.  

    He fails HERE, then he's done as a Starting QB in every team's eyes. 


    It is a lot like Jameis down in NO. If he does well, he is back in the game. If he fails, he is probably going to need help to get back to starting.


    Just the nature of the beast. Do well, and you eat. Don't do well...well it ain't pretty.

    • Beer 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, glenwo2 said:

    And that's saying something considering we've been talking about a Bleacherreport article.     lol.


    I think the 3 seasons of experience combined with how Sam was misused in NY attracted them into acquiring Sam.    

    They believe they can have Sam come in, learn the playbook, and basically "hit the ground running" so to speak as the Starting QB without too much of a learning curve (ie. Young QB learning how faster the speed of the game in the NFL is)


    Sam has a leg up on every rookie QB in every conceivable metric. Except learning the playbook.


    Sam is in a great situation.


    If he doesn't thrive? It's pretty much on him.


    HOWEVER...on the flip side. If he does succeed. We are golden.



    • Beer 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, Snake said:

    Kid is nasty. Still with a truncated preseason we might not see him get to where he needs till mid season.


    I know every year there is always a late round pick, or a UDFA that we all jump on. Some years even more than a couple.


    But man, these last two years? We can have more than a dozen or more guys making considerable contributions. With more than a few of those being later rounds or more types thrown in there. I can sure live with that.


    Say what you want about how we have addressed the QB position. But there is a whole lot more talent than there was just 3 short years ago.

    • Pie 4
  6. 13 hours ago, CPsinceDay1 said:

    I'm always going be fan, but I feel the pain  that Browns, Lions, and yes the Jets felt all these years, knowing this is just the beginning.



    Haven't read the thread yet, but I just gotta say. 60 Poo!!!?? That's a new Huddle record. Nicely done. When you put your mind to it, this is what you can achieve

  7. THE Teddy "2 gloves" Bridgewater? The guy who can't put down roots, because he never stays is one place longer than 1 year.


    THE Teddy "2 gloves"? The guy who was paid a Kings ransom. Then 1 year later was run out of town like a pauper? 


    THE Teddy Bridgewater? The guy who is so risk averse he makes Ron Rivera look like a gambler.


    That Teddy "The checkdown is a safe play" Bridgewater? He gon. He took his whole 15 TD passes on to Denver.


    You'll like Denver. Just take a left at Asheville, and go until you hit the mountains. Weed is legal there, so you should fit right in.

  8. On 5/5/2021 at 4:24 PM, Breakpoint4510 said:

    Rhule ain't got long for this job. He just traded a coach maker for a coach killer. Sam's working on his third coach in three years, with one going on to build a Super Bowl winning defense. Talk about seeing ghost; there's going to be some reunions going on with Sam having to face old nemesis from the AFC East. You folks will be lucky to put two wins together this year, and by this time next year yall will be looking for another qb, and possibly another coach while having to pay Sam's 5th year guarantee. 

    Can't blame Hurney for this one.


    59 poo!!!!! Now THAT is impressive.  59 poo. Damm, I just can't get over that.

    • Pie 1
    • Beer 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    Patience man, you will see how this program is set up soon.  The pieces will fall into place after the foundation is complete.  Had we been able to start the overhaul like this last off-season oh wee mayne.  If they can do anything close to this next off-season look out brother.


    You are wasting your time with him. Goods vibes are defiantly not his thing. 


    Hey, I got to edit. Didn't really need to, just wanted to see if I could.


    As for most of us. Yeah, we can be sweet talked. 

  10. 1 minute ago, CRA said:

    Well, if makes you feel better...I’ll give you a stat. 

    since Sam arrived in the NFL...he has beaten more playoff teams than the Panthers have. 



    I looked it up. He has 28 games with 1 or fewer INTs. 3 4INT games, 3 3INT games, and 4 2INT games.


    I was expecting worse.


    If we can get Good Sam the majority of the time. We just may be alright.

    • Pie 1
  11. 39 minutes ago, glenwo2 said:

    @iamhubby1, you know what?


    Forget I mentioned that record.   I did not do proper research.   


    I meant to say that for Sam to even have a PLUS- .500 TD to INT ratio after 3 seasons overall over there, speaks volumes.     LOL.


    Welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy your time here.\


    Out of Sam's 38 starts, he has 28 games with 1 or fewer INTs. I think I can live with that.

    • Pie 1
  12. You guys are a nutty group I tell ya what.


    Nothing @Swaggasaurussaid was wrong. And ya'll jumped him like he beat your dog. lol


    If Brown shows up fat, and out of shape? He isn't going to last long. And all you arm chair warriors will be right.


    HOWEVER, if he shows up ready to compete. Like he did all of last year. Yeah, he can absolutely help this line.


    Now excuse me. I have chores.



  13. 16 minutes ago, Varking said:

    For those who dislike that we stuck with Darnold ( it’s known I wanted Fields ) compare Darnolds numbers against the Dolphins and Patriots and then compare it to everyone else. He was fine. He got completely owned by the Pats and Dolphins and he has like 16 TDs to 6 INTs in his career against the NFC, 

    Its a known he sucked against the Pats and Phins. But being objective you’ll see against everyone else combined he looked like a good young QB. 


    Dude, duck, or you'll be collateral damage.

  14. 4 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    I really can't help that you can't fathom that not thinking this was the best draft in Panthers history is possible. That's really basically a you problem.


    Just trying to keep you honest. lol Nothing personal. I don't expect to change your mind. I just enjoy the discourse.

    • Pie 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    Our line performed a mediocre to bad level in 2020, depending on the statistics and metrics that you look at. It's pretty similar in make up this year, with some potential upgrades and/or downgrades. I would expect LT to be much worse this year, and it's a coin flip on the OG's. If we can just scrape one decent starting OG out of the FA signings(highly, HIGHLY unlikely) or the draft(much, MUCH more likely), it's a step in the right direction. Last year's OL was so exceptionally bad when you went past our starting OL(which unfortunately we had to do all too often). That's what I have the most hope for improving this offseason. Perhaps we won't go from mediocre to horrific when one of our starters goes down with injury. Again, that is another area we can dramatically improve on if these offseason moves work out. 

    Still not convinced we have a FO or coaching staff that really places much value on the OL. Time will tell.


    Ok, I give up. Lot's of people excited for what we have going. You? Not so much. 

  16. 1 minute ago, kungfoodude said:

    This was an exceptionally weak LT class and the BYU wasn't exactly a top tier prospect at LT. 

    If he ends up as a starting OG and a good one, I am fine with that. IMO, he doesn't have the skill set to be a very good NFL LT. I am fine being wrong about that, if it makes the team better. I just don't think he is an NFL LT. 

    As much as we have ignored the OL line in recent years(this one included), I will just simply accept "above average" NFL caliber. It is better than what we have been fielding.


    This regime has only been in power for 2 years. You cannot hold them responsible for past misdeeds.


    Also, this regime got our line up to mediocre last year. Which was an improvement over past lines.



    Now, over the last few days we've added talent again.


    You can be all worse case you want. But this regime has given the rest of us some hope for the future.


    This ain't your daddy's Panthers anymore.



    • Pie 1
  17. 54 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    Surtain is supposedly the best technically in some time but he isn't the raw athlete Horn is nor seems to have the same disposition. 

    Definitely a higher theoretical ceiling, it just becomes a matter of him being able to reach it. 

    I would caution that we probably shouldn't expect a lot next season. Even if he is just flat bad, he deserves at least 3 seasons to get up to speed. Not all of these "elite" CB prospects come out of the gate as All Pro caliber guys. 


    Why? Just, why? You just had to go to worse case scenario didn't you. You just can't help yourself can you? lol


    Horn defiantly has the talent to come out of TC as our #1CB. (He is smart, coachable, and a great teammate. He is going to bust his butt to prove himself.) Will he? I sure as shootin hope so. It may take longer than that, but no way is it going to take him 3 years. He is just too talented.

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