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Posts posted by iamhubby1

  1. 6 hours ago, kungfoodude said:

    That is actually not a bad point. As bad as we are likely to be at LT, having a nasty blocking TE could be the safety net that limits how much damage our LT situation could cause. 

    Considering how likely it is that our LT is a turnstile, if we see a lot of schemed help from Tremble(or others) that would make me feel a lot better about the coaches understanding the roster situation a little better. The anti-Shula move.


    lol We all know that LT is going to be a challenge this year. But I don't think many folks actually believe it is going to be that atrocious.


    Or...I could be wrong.

  2. Just now, Paa Langfart said:

    Well cleveland won 11 games this year and it only took them how long to rise from the ashes?


    They got a competent HC, and GM and things turned around. If Rhule, and Fritt have the same type of success? And so far it looks pretty good. We should be good to go.

  3. Just now, LinvilleGorge said:

    It's not sarcasm. I'm just not going to sit here and teach a class on opportunity cost.


    Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. lol Because we ignored opportunity costs, we mortgaged our future. And if Rhule doesn't get his sh.. together, we are doomed. Am I right?


    So tell me, how many years are we doomed to endure before we rise from the ashes of this debacle? Is it even possible to recover from this mess?

  4. 11 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Yes, I've been consistent with my position. Do you actually understand why I'm saying we've mortgaged our future on Darnold?


    Cuz you ain't happy. And by God you want us all to know about it. You started with Teddy, and continue it with Sam. At least you are consistent.


    Lot's of folks are not happy we have Sam. But no one but you thinks we "Mortgaged" our future. But hey. Like I said. Have at it.





  5. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    That's the sound of moving goal posts. Guess it wasn't going your way.


    Nice try. I have yet to change my stance. That your fixation with the QB position has clouded your judgement, and jaded your outlook.


    By the way. I don't have to move the goalposts. You are a statue with your "We don't have a quality QB, so Tepper and his minions aren't looking good" speil. 


    Rhule has been here 2 years. If you feel that is an adequate amount of time to start calling it a failed experiment. Then have at it.

  6. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Actually read the post you're replying to.


    Rhule has been here 2 years. 1 with Hurney. But by all means, hold what happened before he got here against him.


    The roster as it sits, is better than it has been is a long time. And we still have 6 picks. But hey, Tepper. Right?



  7. 2 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    It's a lot less about the picks and a lot more about foregoing the opportunity to pursue a potential legit franchise QB prospect due to Darnold being here.


    How on earth are 2 later round picks going to prevent us from acquiring a franchise QB? And what has that have to do with "Mortgaging our future"?


    We get it. Once again, the Panthers have broken your heart where it comes to QB. But let's not go overboard trying to make it worse than it actually is.

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