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Everything posted by Jase

  1. That's an advantage of starting out bigger... Your legs were pulling all that weight before. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  2. Squats were tough today, too. Dang, I was only off 12 days! Feel like I've been set back a couple of months. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  3. I'm surprised she can't handle a big snake.
  4. First night back in the gym started great, warm tingles all over the place. But then I got tired really fast. :-( Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  5. Can I say that I can't wait to get to the gym Monday and get a pump again? I feel like a starving Somali child. 10 days without lifting. Sent from my KFSOWI using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  6. My attempt at weight loss is over at 172 lbs, 12.4% bodyfat. Felt too small when I woke up this morning. Never got all of the six pack, it was a 4-pack. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  7. Wife had one too. You might have thrown it away because the envelope comes from stericycle. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  8. fitbit.com Our scale automatically syncs to it via wi-fi
  9. Can you guys tell that I eat out a lot on the weekends?
  10. Finally squatted 225 last night. Feels good. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  11. after I reach 170, then it's all aboard the bulk train again. I don't think I'm going to make it to 10% body fat. Not on this attempt. I've dropped about 1-2% bodyfat after losing 7 pounds. Best case scenario is that out of those 7 pounds I've lost, only half of it is fat. Sucks. It means if I cut the rest of the way to 170, the best I can hope for is 12% bodyfat at that weight.
  12. a loaded chipotle burrito is the perfect bulking food. 1000 calories, 60+ grams of protein. I've got it down to 600 or so. And I walk there, which burns +/- 150 calories I'm eating about 1600 calories per day. The tricky part is getting enough protein to keep up in the gym.
  13. As I've been eating less, I've been dropping something every week from my weekly chipotle trip. Today it is sour cream. Soon i'll just be eating chicken and beans. Sent from my iPhone while admiring feet using CarolinaHuddle
  14. deadline last week really threw me off track. back at it this week. After getting back on track this week, I'm hovering at 5 lbs lost, 13% body fat.
  15. My wife thinks I'm crazy for actually doing this. Then she thought I was even crazier when I told her that I'm just gonna start bulking again right away after I reach my goal weight. Her exact words were, "So you're going to give me abs, and then immediately take them away?"
  16. upper abs are shining through... apollo's belt starting to shine through. Lower abs still obscured. Shed 1% bodyfat in the last week.
  17. Are you referring to some kind of sex machine?
  18. With this being day 5 of cutting down, I'm pretty much hating this. My arms and shoulders feel way smaller than they were. But then I go to the gym and get a pump and it seems like they're back to normal... but only for a little while. But the abs are improving.
  19. I've already lost 2 pounds... damn! too fast, too fast!
  20. Also, when I get "super cut", I likely won't maintain it for long. It's hard to build muscle on a deficit, especially when you are already as lean as I am. I have been eating like crazy for the past year and a half. I felt hungry yesterday and this morning. I almost forgot what it felt like because it's been so long since my stomach was actually empty.
  21. Her desired body type will involve me losing 10 pounds. I might can do this in a month or a little longer. I'd like her to lose 35-40 pounds, this will likely take her about 6 months if she stays committed. She's working toward it. My finish line is a lot closer.
  22. well, she expressed desire for me to have it again by bringing it up fairly often. It's not like its a hard demand, nor am I very far off from achieving it. Should take about a month. She's got a bunch of weight to lose still.
  23. killed back day yesterday. nothing beats a good back pump because it makes you feel huge. In other news, my wife says she wants me to get "the cut" that I had when we first started dating (and I weighed about 140). by "the cut" she means the illiac furrow/ apollo's belt. I have a fairly pronounced one even at my current bodyfat. I told her all I need to do is lose about 10 pounds. So now I'm cutting calories for a few weeks. This is the first time I've ever gone on a "diet"
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