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Everything posted by Jangler

  1. Almost looks like we have been figured out, or....not having Ginn Stewart is big.
  2. That was all he said too! Nothing else. Now he talking about holes....
  3. There's nothing on TV, you should take the time to read. Internet rep is always a good read.
  4. whatever. Was I the only one who read the title as babygoat?
  5. History is nice, but its about the Superbowl. Now the focus will be where it's supposed to be. See y'all in a couple of days.
  6. Fyck the fallcons. Best thing they did was run the half off so Rivera can let some steam out on the team.
  7. I'm just dumping this here. Last night on Fox sports radio one of the guest hosts, I never seen to catch thses guys names...sue me, said, and I quote "The Panthers are overrated." okay...AWESOME! "I dont understand how this team is winning." Then he predicted the fallcons to win. I thought this was a great complement to the team, even though I'm sure he didn't say it that way...Nobody can figure out the 2015 Carolina Panthers, and it's a beautiful thing.
  8. This goes out to The Red, because when he gets on his high horse I think of it... :)
  9. So basically, OBJ was a ballerina in front of 80k people, then got mad that people called him a ballerina.
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