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Status Updates posted by Jangler

  1. btw, I really didn't give much thought to Miss Hayden until Heroes...;)

  2. pshaw, that cuz you have gotten more since the change.....damn menopause

  3. yeah, yeah, now you are only 3 points behind me...

  4. :D no biggie, that's why I didn't say anything publicly...
  5. Nah. Well... yes she does have a nice ass and killer legs, but I was talking about the last post on the thread.

  6. ah, I thought maybe you were talking about the new Jennifer Aniston vid I posted in her thread.

  7. I saw that looking at IM2 pics and thought you would like it, but I forgot about the Panther SLJ

  8. in case you need a new pic... d7e1f275058503.gif

  9. I get infractions by mistake not on purpose...:D I'm a good boy.

  10. is that chick topless?

  11. ah, well I'm not on facebook....:)

  12. how you finding out about everybody's birthday? I didn't think there was a listing anymore...

  13. I was just coming to your profile, to do the same!

  14. I've been ridin #4 since the come back. But then I haven't been trying...

  15. I just tried to redo my HLP album and it kept saying some about disc...blah blah.... IDK.

  16. Have you been able to upload pics to an album??

  17. Good. Good. :D 7 more days.

  18. Not that I pay any attention to it.

  19. I'm 4th on the list since the change. I wonder who is #1??? hhhhmmmm......

  20. I had over 90k before the change, and it restarted at 34.

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