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Posts posted by UpstatePanther

  1. 18 minutes ago, cbarrier90 said:

    Games like this make you realize it's a joke that the #1 seed from the NFC is going to have to play two of Seahawks, Cardinals, Packers, Redskins and Vikings just to make the Super Bowl, but thems the breaks.

    Not sure what you're trying to say...

    17 minutes ago, Byrdman4real said:

     I believe he sold it and sold it well

    Per nfln, he has a concussion. Was down on the field for several minutes. Methinks he was legit concussed. Especially if you watch the replay:


  2. 1 minute ago, tiger7_88 said:

    Burfict was on his THIRD STEP after the overthrow when he made that hit.

    Any asshole that can defend that bullshit is a goddam moron.

    Or just blindly believes that the NFL is out to get teams that they don't like. Oh wait... that would make one a moron... lol. Sorry... my bad. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Byrdman4real said:

    Its already a known fact that sport games are rigged to some kind. The NFL loves their big market teams with history and love perfect story lines for better rating which is perfect for profit. Let people believe what they want. They are free too.

    Media bias =/= league bias. Correlation =/= causaton. Yes, you are free to believe that the NFL radios down to the refs every game to decide the fate of teams, but if your theory is true, the Panthers probably wouldn't have won 15 games this year. Just saying.

    • Pie 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Kevin Greene said:


    Gimme a break. this was malicious and completely unnecessary and will be called every time in the NFL. As it should be. Fug Burfict.

    That's about as obvious as one can get. Burfict should serve a suspension for at least 4 games next season if the NFL is serious about player safety.

    • Pie 4
  5. 5 minutes ago, Snake said:

    The dude dropped his head you dumb fug.  Your allowed to tackle a guy.  The NFL just wanted to let the Steelers win.  Helmet to helmet = no call,  tackling with shoulder = penalty.  That not right. 

    Uhm... there was nearly a full second between the ball tipping off Brown's hands, and Burfict hitting him. Meanwhile, Burfict was staring him down the whole time. You will never convince me that Burfict didn't mean to hit Brown the way he did. Burfict could have at least tried to avoid Brown. He did nothing of the sort. 

    But no worries. Don't let me stop your fantasy world conspiracy theories about the NFL rigging games.

    The hit was dirty. It was flagged and the team that deserved to win ended up winning. 

    • Pie 1
  6. PhillyB, I actually really appreciate this. As a devout Christian, i am grateful that you told the story accurately without a hint of sarcasm. It was a great write-up as usual, with apt parallels to the Panthers. I was actually thinking of doing something like this myself, but I'm glad I didn't steal your thunder. 

    I look forward to future works of yours that relate to other Biblical stories. Would love to see what you'd do with David, Samson, Revelation, etc. :)

    Are you sure you wouldnt consider seminary? ;) you could win some souls bruh! No joke. Lol.

    • Pie 4
  7. 27 minutes ago, csx said:

    The only awful qtr was the final vs the Giants. The Atlanta game was pretty average despite one big play to Jones.

    Yeah if our offense could have just got something going, we probably would have won last week with the defensive effort we gave. I expect things to return to normal this week.

    • Pie 1
  8. 2 hours ago, PghPanther said:

    There is a path for talent to find itself right to the NFL with little or no regards to the social upbringing/maturity or the personal accountability, social responsibility and fiscal understanding of the athlete involved.

    This is why I prefer that my team have some integrity. But don't listen to me... we have too many choir boys on our roster. #amidoingitright?

    36 minutes ago, CRA said:

    well, Steve Smith is viewed as the GOAT around here.

    Beckham IMO has a lot of Steve Smith in him.  89 learned to deal with his anger issues but even today 89 struggles w/ it.  He never learned to make it a nonissue.

    There are parallels yes. But it's an unfair comparison. Smith never acted like a bitchtard, save for his release from the team. Against other players, he mostly let his play do the talking, but when he had to get into it with someone, he wasn't a diva about it. He was much more hard nosed. OBJ had just been acting like a spoiled brat

    • Pie 1
  9. 12 hours ago, TheNewStandard said:

    Great reasons to love this "team." This is easily the most cohesive team we have ever had. 

    Just wait till we get KB back and our ST finally gets on the same page cohesively.

    if we have this same team with everyone healthy from start to finish, their is no-limit to how good these guys will be.

    every game it seems like we have a different player step-up and make a game-changing play each and every week.

    I think it's Star's week to come up big and for Shaq to do the same. Would be great if Finnegan and Tillman to be solid as well.

    cant forget about Fozzy and CAP with their chances to make plays...and it will all come down to our OLine to make that happen.

    What a group we have. Outstanding.


  10. 9 hours ago, Moorgan said:

    I agree and I was saying this to friends this week. However, I think point 2 is invalid simply because it literally goes both ways.

    What I mean by that is that KK also benefits from Josh. If everyone is covered, then the QB holds onto the ball longer and thus KK gets the sack.

    The point is valid both ways in a symbiotic way. But I agree. KK has been a consistent force to be reckoned with all year. That high level consistency is invaluable. Thus MVP.

    Yeah this is the way our whole team performs. Every position feeds off the others. Norman wouldnt be as successful without Peanut, Coleman, KK, Star, Luke, TD, Shaq, Kony, and JA. Neither would any of them be performing as well without Norman or any of the rest.

    • Pie 2
  11. 5 hours ago, Jeremy Igo said:

    A little double team on Allen or Ealy means KK Short has one man on him.....




    Just a side note...

    I'm not trying to say anything about the eminently masculine Matt Ryan, buuuuut I did notice that this shot to the groin didn't seem to phase him very much. Again, not trying to question anything per say, just found it... interesting... lol

    As for Ereck Flowers... welp.... our defensive line gon eat. That's all I got to say.

  12. 1 hour ago, cbarrier90 said:

    Oh man. Last week you said "Just show up" and the Panthers won 38-0.

    Now you've gone beyond even that and are actually releasing the game plan to stop the Panthers.

    They aren't good, but are the Giants really THAT bad?

    The Giants are the last team until January that has the ability to stop us. I have held my breath on an undefeated season until this point, waiting to see how the team would respond to the ebbs and flows of the season. They have responded stunningly. So if they win this game, I will officially be on 16-0 watch. 

    The Giants defense is terrible, so the only way I see them winning is to somehow exploit our defense and turn this into a shootout. After New Orleans though, I think the Panthers will be wary of making the same mistakes twice. Here's to hoping it won't even be a game and that the Panthers are once again up 21 points in the first quarter.

    • Pie 5
  13. 1 hour ago, Jeremy Igo said:

    Atlanta's defense ranks higher than NYG, by the way. 


    So does New Orleans' defense, but we see how that went. :(

    I kid, I kid.

    Obviously our defense rebounded last week even with Tillman out. The Giants offense is quite literally only OBJ and Eli. Shut down that connection and they don't score points. I foresee this happening. It may get ugly for the Giants. We have dominated the NFC East this year so far. The Cowboys got bent over and the Skins got circumcised. The Eagles were one long rushing play from a blowout, and all those teams have better defenses. Still, it's an away game and the Panthers have to balance between trying to win and trying to stay healthy. Best way for us to do that is to get out to a 30 point lead by halftime. #letsgoPanthers 

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