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Posts posted by TheCandyMan

  1. 17 minutes ago, pnthrs said:

    Dangerous approach.  This virus is a typically mild flu.  Many people aren’t symptomatic that are carriers.  You go out to the mall and if you aren’t conscientious you can get it or give it easily even if not coughing.   If it makes it into a school or a nursing home it will cause some deaths.  If it makes it into a large population it will overwhelm our medical capabilities.  It’s very contagious and very mild for most carriers.  Just take precautions and don’t be cavalier and all will be ok.  

    So what you're saying is if we give a press conference, try not to touch everything in sight.  In a way it's poetic justice that Rudy Gober contracted COVID-19.

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  2. Long story short, this season is the first in like 8 years I haven't made it to at least one game.  All of my "fun money" this year went to my son's adoption fees.   It kinda sucks with the season we're having, but at least we're 15-2 since he was born.  With that said, I'd love nothing more than to watch Cam and Co. beat up on the Seahawks again!

  3. My Dad's from Ohio, so I grew up watching the Brown with him and naturally became a fan. I was a big Kosar fan.

    The Panthers came along when I was 12. I got a t-shirt and sweatshirt with the Panthers' logo on it for my birthday the year they were announced, and have been a Panthers fan ever since.

    I guess I can say I'm a lifelong Panthers fan, but it would be the Panthers life and not mine, haha.

    So in summary, Browns fan because I didn't know any better, Panthers fan by choice.

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